Page 374 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 374

2024 Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet – Taxing Units Other Than School Districts or Water Districts   Form 50-856

       Line                                 Voter-Approval Tax Rate Worksheet                           Amount/Rate
        50. COUNTIES ONLY. Add together the voter-approval tax rates for each type of tax the county levies. The total is the current year county voter-approv-
           al tax rate.                                                                                0.000000
                                                                                                      $ __________/$100
        SECTION 3: NNR Tax Rate and Voter-Approval Tax Rate Adjustments for Additional Sales Tax to Reduce Property Taxes
       Cities, counties and hospital districts may levy a sales tax specifically to reduce property taxes. Local voters by election must approve imposing or abolishing the additional sales
       tax. If approved, the taxing unit must reduce its NNR and voter-approval tax rates to offset the expected sales tax revenue.
       This section should only be completed by a county, city or hospital district that is required to adjust its NNR tax rate and/or voter-approval tax rate because it adopted the
       additional sales tax.
       Line                                Additional Sales and Use Tax Worksheet                       Amount/Rate

        51. Taxable Sales. For taxing units that adopted the sales tax in November of the prior tax year or May of the current tax year, enter the
           Comptroller’s estimate of taxable sales for the previous four quarters.   Estimates of taxable sales may be obtained through the Comptroller’s
           Allocation Historical Summary webpage.
           Taxing units that adopted the sales tax before November of the prior year, enter 0.        $ _____________
        52. Estimated sales tax revenue. Counties exclude any amount that is or will be spent for economic development grants from the amount of esti-
           mated sales tax revenue.   33
              Taxing units that adopted the sales tax in November of the prior tax year or in May of the current tax year. Multiply the amount on
              Line 51 by the sales tax rate (.01, .005 or .0025, as applicable) and multiply the result by .95.  34
              - or -
              Taxing units that adopted the sales tax before November of the prior year. Enter the sales tax revenue for the previous four quarters.
              Do not multiply by .95.                                                                 $ _____________
        53. Current year total taxable value. Enter the amount from Line 21 of the No-New-Revenue Tax Rate Worksheet.  $ _____________
        54. Sales tax adjustment rate. Divide Line 52 by Line 53 and multiply by $100.                 0.000000
                                                                                                      $ __________/$100
        55. Current year NNR tax rate, unadjusted for sales tax.  Enter the rate from Line 26 or 27, as applicable, on the No-New-Revenue Tax Rate
           Worksheet.                                                                                  0.540097
                                                                                                      $ __________/$100
        56. Current year NNR tax rate, adjusted for sales tax.
              Taxing units that adopted the sales tax in November the prior tax year or in May of the current tax year. Subtract Line 54 from Line
              55. Skip to Line 57 if you
              adopted the additional sales tax before November of the prior tax year.                  0.540097
                                                                                                      $ __________/$100
        57. Current year voter-approval tax rate, unadjusted for sales tax.  Enter the rate from Line 49, Line D49 (disaster) or Line 50 (counties) as
           applicable, of the Voter-Approval Tax Rate Worksheet.                                      $ __________/$100
        58. Current year voter-approval tax rate, adjusted for sales tax. Subtract Line 54 from Line 57.  $ __________/$100

        SECTION 4: Voter-Approval Tax Rate Adjustment for Pollution Control
       A taxing unit may raise its rate for M&O funds used to pay for a facility, device or method for the control of air, water or land pollution. This includes any land, structure, building,
       installation, excavation, machinery, equipment or device that is used, constructed, acquired or installed wholly or partly to meet or exceed pollution control requirements. The
       taxing unit’s expenses are those necessary to meet the requirements of a permit issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). The taxing unit must provide
       the tax assessor with a copy of the TCEQ letter of determination that states the portion of the cost of the installation for pollution control.
       This section should only be completed by a taxing unit that uses M&O funds to pay for a facility, device or method for the control of air, water or land pollution.
       Line                   Voter-Approval Rate Adjustment for Pollution Control Requirements Worksheet  Amount/Rate

        59. Certified expenses from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). Enter the amount certified in the determination letter
           from TCEQ.   The taxing unit shall provide its tax assessor-collector with a copy of the letter.     $ _____________
        60. Current year total taxable value. Enter the amount from Line 21 of the No-New-Revenue Tax Rate Worksheet.  $ _____________
        61. Additional rate for pollution control. Divide Line 59 by Line 60 and multiply by $100.     0.000000
                                                                                                      $ __________/$100

       32   Tex. Tax Code §26.041(d)
       33   Tex. Tax Code §26.041(i)
       34   Tex. Tax Code §26.041(d)
       35   Tex. Tax Code §26.04(c)
       36   Tex. Tax Code §26.04(c)
       37   Tex. Tax Code §26.045(d)
       38   Tex. Tax Code §26.045(i)
                                       For additional copies, visit:   Page 7
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