Page 366 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 366

Fiscal Year 2024-2025
                                                          Summary of Property Tax Revenue & Distribution
                 NET TAXABLE VALUE                                                                                                              TOTAL
                 Total Appraised Value as of July 25, 2024                                                                                    2,508,223,649

                           Absolute Exemption                                                                                                   (83,184,496)
                           Cases Before ARB                                                                                                     (44,954,330)
                           Incomplete Accounts                                                                                                  (18,513,451)
                           Disabled Veteran                                                                                                     (18,918,952)
                           Over 65                                                                                                              (69,069,046)
                           Disabled Persons Over65                                                                                               (2,766,668)
                           Freeport Inventory Value Loss
                           Pollution Control                                                                                                        (72,955)
                           Solar & Wind Powered Devices                                                                                          (1,162,093)
                           Nominal Value Accounts                                                                                                  (134,080)
                           Miscellaneous Personal Property                                                                                       (6,579,526)
                           Property Damaged by Disaster
                           In Process                                                                                                               (65,393)

                 Total Reduction to Values                                                                                                     (245,420,990)

                 NET TAXABLE VALUE (CERTIFIED) AT JULY 25,2024                                                                                2,262,802,659

                           Estimated Minimum ARB protested values                                                                                31,120,131
                           Estimated Minimum Incomplete Property Values                                                                           9,182,168
                           Estimated Minimum Value of In Process Properties                                                                               0

                 ESTIMATED NET TAXABLE VALUE AT JULY 25, 2024                                                                               $     2,303,104,957

                 ESTIMATED PROPERTY TAX COLLECTIONS:                                              GENERAL (M&O)     DEBT SERVICE (I&S)
                           Estimated Net Taxable Value                                                                                        2,303,104,957
                           Less: Tax Ceiling Taxable Values                                                                                    (361,075,580)
                           Net Taxable Values                                                                                                 1,942,029,377

                                   Proposed Tax Rate per $100 Valuation                                   0.361051            0.209149             0.570200

                           Estimated Total Tax Levy at 100% Collection                                   7,011,716          4,061,735            11,073,452
                                   Less: Estimated Uncollectable                                           (10,518)                                 (10,518)
                                   Less: Estimated I&S Uncollectable (.15%)                                                     (6,093)              (6,093)
                           Estimated Revenue from Property Tax                                           7,001,199          4,055,642            11,056,841

                           Estimated Revenue from Property Tax                                           7,001,199          4,055,642            11,056,841
                                   Plus: Tax Ceiling Account Revenue (not included in tax rate calc)      734,376             353,588             1,087,964
                                   Less: Estimated Uncollectable (.15%)                                     (1,102)                                  (1,102)
                                   Less: Estimated I&S Uncollectable (.15%)                                                      (530)                 (530)

                 ESTIMATED PROPERTY TAX DISTRIBUTION                                             $                   7,734,473  $                4,408,700  $            12,143,173

                                   BUDGET LINE ITEMS
                                   Ad valorem Taxes                                              $                   7,734,000  $                4,403,000  $            12,137,000
                                    Delinquent/Penalties and Interest                            $                          66,000  $                      22,000  $                      88,000
                                   TOTALS                                                        $                   7,800,000  $                4,425,000  12,225,000

                                   Prior year totals (calculated from Certified July 20, 2023)   $                  7,194,500  $               4,171,000  11,365,500
                                   Additional Revenues in budget from Property Taxes FY2024-2025  $                      605,500  $                   254,000  859,500

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