Page 316 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 316

General Obligation Debt Service Fund

                              Annual Debt Service Requirement - GF (03)
                   Series 2020 Certificate of Obligation (2011 REF) $7,365,000

              YEAR ENDING        OUTSTANDING                         Interest
                 SEPT. 30             OCT. 1        PRINCIPAL          Rate        INTEREST        TOTAL
                   2025                 $230,000       $115,000       1.17%            $2,018      $117,018
                   2026                 $115,000       $115,000       1.17%              $673      $115,673
                                                       $230,000                        $2,691      $232,691

            Total Outstanding Bonds                    $230,000
            Total Original Issue                     $4,585,000
            Issue Date                                7/27/2011

             For the purpose of paying contractual obligations of the City to be incurred for making permanent
             public improvements and for other public purposes, to wit: (1) constructing, acquiring, purchasing,
             renovating, enlarging , and improving the System, (2) constructing street improvements
             (including utility repair, replacement, and relocation), curb, gutters, and sidewalk improvements,
             (3) constructing, renovating, and improving various City facilities, (4) purchasing a new fire truck,
             public safety vehicles and ambulance vehicles.

                                                        Year           Total       Principal       Interest
            This Year's Requirement                    2025          $117,018       $115,000         $2,018

            Maximum Requirement                        2025          $117,018       $115,000         $2,018

                $117,000                                                       PRINCIPAL     INTEREST

   311   312   313   314   315   316   317   318   319   320   321