Page 207 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 207
FY2023 FY2024 FY2025
Measurement Strategic Goal Measure
Type Goal Actual Goal Actual Goal
% change in crime # 2. Expand
rate per population. public safety Effectiveness
through non- -0.50 +0.18% -0.20% -0.37% -0.10%
# 2. Expand
Average response public safety Efficiency 1 5:00 1 7:33 1 6:00 1 5:30 1 6:00
time to calls (priority through non- 2 6:00 2 7:11 2 7:00 2 7:00 2 7:00
1-3). enforcement 3 7:00 3 5:29 3 8:00 3 8:00 3 8:00
% of total code # 2. Expand
cases that public safety Effectiveness
concluded in through non- 90% 86% 80% 75% 80%
voluntary enforcement
compliance efforts.
% of animals # 2. Expand
adopted or returned public safety Effectiveness 80% 74% 80% 65% 80%
to owner through non-
Police Department at a Glance
Location: FY2025 Full-time
Police Station Budget: Employees:
7101 Whitley
Road $5,278,200 40.80