Page 197 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 197

Summary of Expenditures by Category

        Community Services budget increased by $60,220 mainly due to personnel cost increases and partial funding
        of Personnel Enhancement Plan positions.  The continued expansion of community programs and events that
        were suspended due to the pandemic also impacted the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 budget.

                                            FY2023           FY2024           FY2024            FY2025
                                             Actual         Adopted          Projected          Budget
         Personnel                          298,278          484,700          484,600           548,500
         Supplies                            20,033           23,600           24,850           26,300
         Maintenance                         5,846            8,200            8,600             8,600
         Contractual Sundry                  70,062          130,420          165,520           177,340
         Capital Outlay                         0             53,600           53,600              0
         Total Community Services           $394,219        $700,520         $737,170          $760,740

                                                  Performance Measures

                            Workload Indicators                       FY2023    FY2024       FY2024      FY2025
                                                                      Actual    Adopted      Projected  Target
         Number of health and fitness programs                           10         15          13           16
         Number of fine arts programs                                    9          12          12           15
         Number of athletic teams                                       129         150         135         150
         Number of new memberships processed                            142         199         189         110
         Number of special events                                        16         19          19           22
         Number of active members                                       901        1,100       1,091       1,200

   192   193   194   195   196   197   198   199   200   201   202