Page 35 - CityofSouthlakeFY25AdoptedBudget
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Figure 17

                                                                                                                          Budget Overview

          Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund. HOT funds can also be used for projects designed to bring visitors to the city.
          For FY 2025, a total of $200,000 is recommended for cash funding.

          Cash allocated as part of the Capital Improvements Program totals $18.5 million across all funds and will
          advance city comprehensive plan goals.

          City staff will present a CIP implementation plan to City Council in February 2025, outlining specific project
          priorities and including:

          •   Detailed funding schedules identifying cash and debt funding by funding source,
          •   Project information sheets that include a description of each project, pertinent project details as well as
              funding and expenditure schedules,
          •   Operating budget impact summary, and
          •   Multi-year plan.

           Figure 18

                                                                                                   Total FY 2025 Cash
           Fund               Description                                                              Funding
                              The General Fund is used to address capital projects such as streets and road construction
           General Fund       and/or rehabilitation, pathway improvements, improvements to support access as required   $3,500,000
                              by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and municipal facilities.

                              The Utility Fund is used to address capital projects such as water and sewer infrastructure
           Utility Fund       and city facilities. Projects include water lines, pump station improvements, storage facili-  $8,000,000
                              ties, sewer lines, lift station pumps, and facilities needed to support the City’s utility system.
           Southlake Parks    Funded by a voter-approved half-cent sales tax, these dollars are allocated for the ongoing
           Development        design and development of the city’s park system, and dollars for matching donations for   $6,000,000
           Corporation        park improvements.
                              Fees collected from residential and commercial property owners provide dollars to improve
           Storm Water Utility Fund storm water management in the city. For FY 2025, funds will be allocated from this fund in   $400,000
                              an amount not to exceed $400,000 for this purpose.
           Public Art Fund    Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT) funds provide the resources for public art initiatives.  $400,000
           Hotel Occupancy Tax
           Fund               HOT funds can also be used for projects designed to bring visitors to the city.   $200,000
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