Page 335 - CityofSaginawFY25Budget
P. 335

ARB HEARINGS:  The property owner may protest the appraisal of his property value to the Appraisal
        Review Board at the ARB Hearings.

        ASSESSED VALUATION:  A valuation set upon real estate or other property by a government as a basis
        for levying taxes.

        ATTRITION:  A wearing down bit by bit.  If an employee leaves the City or is terminated, the position may
        not be filled.  It will be at the City Manager's review and discretion.

        AUDIT:  A comprehensive investigation of the manner in which the government's resources were actually
        utilized.  The audit can be classified as a financial audit or a performance audit.  A financial audit is a
        review of the accounting system and financial information to determine how government funds were spent
        and whether expenditures/expenses complied with the legislative body's appropriations.  A performance
        audit consists of a review of how well the government met its stated goals.

        AUDITOR'S OPINION:  A statement signed by an auditor in which he states that he has examined the
        financial statements, the system of internal control, the accounting records, and supporting evidence in
        accordance  with  generally  accepted  auditing  standards.    He  expresses  his  opinion,  based  on  the
        examination, the financial condition of the governmental unit or any of its enterprises, the results from
        operations and any facts that he has investigated in his professional capacity.

        AUTOMATIC AID:  Automatic Aid is when another fire department is automatically dispatched along
        with  our  fire  units  on  certain  pre-determined  type  calls  such  as  structure  fires,  grass  fires,  rescue
        incidents, etc.  Anytime any of the fire departments, in the automatic aid group, respond to a reported
        structure fire or major incident, the other fire departments in the group automatically respond.

        AUTOMOTIVE DIAGNOSTIC EXCELLENCE (ADE):  Once you have passed certain tests you earn
        this designation.  It is sub group of ASE.

        AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE EXCELLENCE (ASE):  This is a national institute that provides automotive
        diagnostics certification for the mechanics.

        BALANCE SHEET:  A financial statement that discloses the assets, liabilities, reserves, and balances of
        a specific governmental fund as of a specific date.

        BALANCED BUDGET:  The operating budget should be balanced with the use of current revenues and,
        if  necessary,  a  portion  of  the  undesignated  surplus.    In  a  balanced  budget,  budgeted
        expenditures/expenses should not exceed budgeted revenues.  A structurally balance budget requires
        that ongoing revenues equal or exceed ongoing expenditures/expenses.

        BIOCHEMICAL  OXYGEN  DEMAND  (B.O.D.):    The  amount  of  oxygen  needed  for  a  biochemical
        oxidation in a given time at a given temperature.  An indication of wastewater strength.

        BOND:  A written promise to pay a sum of money on a specific date(s) at a specified interest rate.  The
        repayment of both the principal and interest are detailed in a bond ordinance.

        BOND FUND:  A fund formerly used to account for proceeds of general obligation bond issues.  Such
        proceeds are now accounted for in a Capital Projects Fund.  The Capital Projects Fund is primarily an
        accounting entity.  The indentures of many revenue bond issues identify the "Bond Fund" as the fund into
        which proceeds for capital projects are deposited, managed, and disbursed.  The term Bond Fund is also
        used to refer to a mutual investment fund consisting of bonds.

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