Page 324 - CityofSaginawFY25Budget
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City of Saginaw Texas A City on the Right Track!
Solicitors are required to obtain a permit at City Hall before soliciting. All solicitors are issued a
permit badge. The badge must be worn and visible while soliciting. A list of current permits is
available at: Soliciting Information: (
Ordinance No. 91-9 requires citizens to obtain a permit for security alarm systems. A security alarm
is any security system that makes a noise that can be heard outside the building. Security alarm
permits are $15.00 and may be purchased at Saginaw Police Department.
Planning and Zoning
The Planning and Zoning Commission meets at 6:00 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month as
needed. They meet in the Council Chambers at City Hall and the public is invited to attend. To
appear before the Planning and Zoning Commission please contact the Planning and Zoning
Secretary at (817) 230-0500 Ext. 2441. The Planning and Zoning agenda deadline is two weeks
prior to the Planning and Zoning Meeting.
The Board of Adjustments hears appeals of Planning and Zoning decisions. They meet as needed.
John Ed Keeter Public Library of Saginaw
The John Ed Keeter Saginaw Public Library is located at 355 W. McLeroy Boulevard, next to the
City Hall. The library opened on November 3, 1992. On December 3, 1994, the library was renamed
after Mayor John Ed Keeter who died in office on June 30, 1994. On September 27, 2002 an
addition to the library was completed that doubled its square footage. The Library Director may be
reached at Ext. 2340.
Books, magazines, audiotapes, videotapes, and compact disks are available for checkout.
Encyclopedias, a three-year backlog of certain periodicals and Abridged Readers Guide to
Periodicals is kept for research. Internet workstations are also available for use. Library
Membership is FREE to Saginaw residents, land owners, and business owners. Out-of- town
membership is available for an annual fee of $15.00. The Saginaw Public Library is participating in
the "Texas Share Program."
Other services include interlibrary loan, large print books, monthly displays, copies, films and
children's programs. Story Time is held weekly from September through April. Summer Reading
Club begins the second week in June and continues through July. The library phone number is
(817) 230-0300.
Library Hours
⇒ Sunday & Monday – Closed
⇒ Tuesday – 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
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