Page 290 - CityofSaginawFY25Budget
P. 290

                                       FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT POLICIES

                XII.      Fund Balance Policies
                       A.        Fund Balances
                       Sufficient fund balances will be maintained to protect the City' s financial position

                       during  emergencies    or  economic fluctuations,   avoid cash flow interruptions,
                       generate interest income,  reduce the need for short-term borrowing, and assist in
                       maintaining an investment grade bond rating.
                              1.      Minimum Fund Balance General Fund
                             The City  will maintain a fund balance of 25%  of the operating expenditure budget
                              excludes capital expenditures).
                              2.      Minimum Fund Balance Enterprise Fund
                             The City  will  maintain  a  fund  balance  of  25%  ( 90  days)   of the operating
                              expenditure budget (excludes capital expenses).
                        B.         Use of Fund Balance
                        Fund    balance    will  only    be    used   for   emergencies,       non- recurring
                        expenditures/ expenses,  or major capital  purchases.   If such use reduces the fund
                        balance below the level that is established as the minimum,  the request to use
                        fund balance will include a plan to replenish the fund balance to the minimum
                        required level.
                        C.         Fund Balance Components
                        In accordance with GASB Statement 54 the following components of fund balance
                        are defined.

                              1.      Non- spendable
                              Resources that are not in spendable form,  such as inventories,  pre- paids,  long
                              term receivables,  non- financial assets held for sale,  or resources required to be
                              maintained intact such as an endowment.

                              2.      Restricted
                              Resources  that  are  subject  to  externally  enforceable  legal  restrictions.     The
                              restriction could be externally imposed by creditors, grantors, contributors, or laws
                              and regulations of other governments;  or the restriction could be imposed by law
                              through constitutional provisions or enabling legislation.
                              3.      Committed
                              Resources that are constrained to specific purposes by a formal action of the City
                              Council such as an ordinance or resolution.  The constraints remain binding unless
                              removed in the same formal manner by the City Council.
                              4.      Assigned
                              Resources that are constrained by the City' s intent to be used for specific
                              purposes,  but are not restricted or committed.

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