Page 283 - CityofSaginawFY25Budget
P. 283


                                      FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT POLICIES

                       F.     Reporting
                       Monthly   financial  reports  will  be  prepared  showing    actual  revenues   and
                       expenditures/ expenses compared to budgeted amounts.  These reports will be
                       submitted to the City Council
                       G.         Budget Management and Amendment
                             1.      The level  of  budgetary  control is the department level in  all funds.   The
                             City Manager or designee may approve budget transfers between line items within
                             a department.
                             2.      Budget  adjustments   between   departments   or  increasing  the total
                             appropriation of a fund require City Council approval.

                       H.         Operating Deficits
                       If at any time during the fiscal year it is estimated that the current year resources
                       will  not be  sufficient  to fund  current  year  expenditures/ expenses,   the City
                       Manager shall notify the City Council and present a plan to correct the anticipated
                       deficit.    Plans to correct an operating deficit shall include consideration of the
                       following strategies in order of precedence:

                             1.      Reduce transfers for cash funded capital projects/ delay cash funded
                             capital projects.
                             2.      Manage the vacant position hiring process
                             3.      Reduce travel and training expenses for only required certifications
                             4.      Defer capital outlay purchases
                             5.      Expenditure reductions
                             6.      Hiring freezes
                             7.      Use of undesignated fund balance in excess of required reserves

                             8.      Salary increase freezes
                             9.      Increase user fees
                              10.        Employee lay-offs


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