Page 5 - CityofNRHFY25AdoptedBudget
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FISCAL YEAR 2024-2025
                                               SCHEDULE 2 - SUMMARY OF REVENUES

                                                         GENERAL FUND
                                                                              ADOPTED       REVISED      ADOPTED
                                                   ACTUAL        ACTUAL       BUDGET        BUDGET        BUDGET
                                                   FY 2021/22   FY 2022/23    FY 2023/24   FY 2023/24    FY 2024/25
           Indirect Costs:
             Utility Fund                           $2,323,713    $2,182,170   $2,182,176    $2,182,176   $2,182,176
             Park & Rec Facilities Dev. Corp.         469,207       501,201      551,249       551,249       469,207
             Crime Control District                    33,890        31,994       82,042        82,042           0
           Consolidation Reimbursements              2,465,960     2,635,113    2,685,456     2,687,108    2,903,198
           SUB-TOTAL                                $5,292,770    $5,350,477   $5,500,923    $5,502,575   $5,554,581
           Interest Income                           $302,934     $1,443,449     $845,345    $1,301,712   $1,212,000
           Radio Reimbursement                        246,270       292,334      293,128       195,863       288,241
           Lease Income                               313,312       258,889      200,000       200,000       225,500
           Grant Proceeds                             362,042      2,102,813     656,000       656,000       676,444
           Fleet Service Fund Reimbursement           446,552       467,112      391,050       391,050           0
           Teen Court Reimbursement                    20,653        12,988       12,988        12,988       12,988
           Other Income                               246,145       210,497      107,581       114,318       145,269
           Public Safety Reimbursements                58,097        67,318       60,000        60,000       66,000
           SUB-TOTAL                                $1,996,004    $4,855,401   $2,566,092    $2,931,931   $2,626,442
           Appropriation of Fund Balance              $39,000           $0           $0            $0            $0
           SUB-TOTAL                                  $39,000           $0           $0            $0           $0

           TOTAL REVENUES                          $56,134,110   $61,783,445  $60,057,507   $59,953,870   $63,772,947

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