Page 13 - CityofNRHFY25AdoptedBudget
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FISCAL YEAR 2024-2025
                                             SCHEDULE 8 - SUMMARY OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES

                                              PARK AND RECREATION FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT FUND
                                                                              ADOPTED       REVISED       ADOPTED
                                                  ACTUAL        ACTUAL        BUDGET        BUDGET        BUDGET
                                                  FY 2021/22    FY 2022/23    FY 2023/24    FY 2023/24    FY 2024/25
          Sales Tax                                $6,609,698    $6,909,918    $7,038,000    $7,012,895    $7,223,071
          Tennis Center Revenue                      493,640       531,249       491,725       604,500       546,000
          Athletic Program Revenue                   146,750       111,640       183,400       140,000       145,000
          Youth Association Fees                      21,357        21,174        16,300        16,300        16,300
          Park Impact Fees                            69,574        12,154        75,000        75,000        45,000
          Other Income                                21,194       215,376       111,700       320,439       427,150
          TOTAL OPERATING                          $7,362,213    $7,801,509    $7,916,125    $8,169,134    $8,402,521

          NRH CENTRE
          Memberships / Drop-In Passes             $1,418,802    $1,565,128    $1,550,000    $1,550,000    $1,550,000
          Fitness                                    409,435       461,293       437,000       479,600       478,000
          Recreation / Sports                        387,504       441,095       543,000       457,000       462,000
          Grand Hall Rental                          481,686       501,898       427,500       475,400       427,500
          Catering & Event Fees                       22,297        27,887        20,000        25,000        20,000
          Aquatic Programs                           229,641       248,975       240,000       245,000       250,000
          Pool Rental                                  2,565         4,705         5,000         5,000         5,000
          Gym  Rental                                   200            60             0             0             0
          Concessions / Merchandise                   37,157        47,563        50,000        50,000        50,000
          Special Events                               9,180        10,500        10,000        11,798        11,000
          Other                                       34,169       120,947        65,867       103,349       108,300
          General Fund                               487,102       487,102       487,102       487,102            0
          Park  Fund                                      0             0             0             0        487,102
          TOTAL NRH CENTRE                         $3,519,738    $3,917,154    $3,835,469    $3,889,249    $3,848,902

          TOTAL REVENUES                          $10,881,951   $11,718,663   $11,751,594   $12,058,383   $12,251,423
          Appropriation of Park Impact Fee Reserves      $0            $0            $0            $0            $0
          Appropriation of NRH Centre Reserves            0             0        369,592       391,682        61,228
          Appropriation  of  Sales  Tax  Reserves         0             0             0             0       1,690,214
          TOTAL APPROPRIATION OF FUND BALANCE            $0            $0        $369,592      $391,682    $1,751,442

          TOTAL RESOURCES                         $10,881,951   $11,718,663   $12,121,186   $12,450,065   $14,002,865

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