Page 38 - CityofMansfieldFY25Budget
P. 38

The operating budget includes a balanced financial plan for all major funds for FY 2024-2025 and forecasts
               the results of operations by fund for the period. The effect of the Capital Improvement Program upon
               operations is reflected in the Capital Projects Fund. The operating budget includes fund summaries and
               presentations by City operating departments without regard to fund.    Each  department  is  divided into
               operating divisions, and  a budget  summary by division  is included  for each department. Performance
               measures are incorporated for each division within each department.

                                                  City of Mansfield
                                             Fund/Department Matrix

                                   Governmental                           Governmental
                                   General Fund                     Capital Projects Funds

                                  General Government                       Street Construction
                                  Shared Services Dept.                    Utility Construction
                                 Police Dept. & Fire Dept.               Drainage Construction
                                 Planning & Development                   Building Construction
                                Community Services Dept.                  MPFDC Construction
                              Community Engagement Dept.                  MEDC Construction
                                Engineering & Street Dept.              Equipment Replacement
                               Regulatory Compliance Dept.

                                  Governmental                             Proprietary

                                Special Revenue                       Enterprise Funds
                                       Funds                        Water & Sewer Utilzity Services

                                Mansfield Park Facilities              Environmental Services
                               Development Corporation
                                  Mansfield Economic
                               Development Corporation
                                    Hotel/Motel Tax

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