Page 214 - CityofMansfieldFY25Budget
P. 214

N          O          R          T          H
           Goal #3
                                                                ●          ●          ●         ●           ●
           Continue to serve as a source of community pride.

           1. Provide events/experiences the citizens can be proud to participate in.
           2. Ensure all major events/festivals include local talent.
           3. Grow group participation in events. (school clubs, dance groups)

                                                                         Actual     Actual     Budget     Budget
           Performance Measures                                         2021-2022  2022-2023  2023-2024  2024-2025
           Number of events/festivals with local talent                    4         16          6         15
           Community group(s) participation                               N/A        16         10         10
           Unique and remarkable experiences at events                    N/A        N/A        N/A         6

           Special Events                 Actual         Actual         Budget          Budget        % Change
           Summary                       2021-2022      2022-2023      2023-2024       2024-2025      2024-2025
           Personnel Services         $               138,790  $               151,699  $               125,904  $               323,233  156.73%
           Operations                                  332,306                   378,149                   556,563                   689,900  23.96%
             Total                    $               471,096  $               529,848  $               682,467  $             1,013,133  48.45%

               Contact: Angela Henley, 817-728-3386

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