Page 121 - CityofMansfieldFY25Budget
P. 121

contributions.  However, if the value of the savings exceeds the cost of the refunding and is greater than
               $100,000 but is less than 3% of the savings,  then the  City  shall consider refunding the existing debt.
               Arbitrage rules are to be considered when refunding debt.

               Credit Objectives

               The City of Mansfield, Texas shall seek to attain and maintain the highest possible bond ratings for its
               outstanding debt without compromising the delivery of basic City services.  Currently, the City maintains
               four ratings with Fitch, Moody’s, and Standard & Poor’s.

                                                  Fitch, IBCA          Moody’s        Standard & Poor’s
                  General Obligation                  AA+                Aa1                 AAA
                  Sales Tax Revenue                   AA+              Aa1/Aa2             A+/AAA
                  Drainage Revenue                   AAA                 Aa2                 Aa2
                  Water & Sewer                      AAA                 Aa2                 AA+

               It is and will be the continued policy of the City of Mansfield to provide full disclosure of information
               about  the  City’s operating activity  to the rating agencies.  The  City  shall  maintain  an open line of
               communication with the rating agencies to allow for the free exchange of information between the City
               and the agencies.

               Secondary Market Disclosure

               SEC 15c2-12 regulations became effective July 3, 1995.  The City shall continue to provide financial data
               to  the Nationally Recognized  Municipal Information Depository  (NRMSIRs), EMMA  and the  State
               Information Depositories (SIDs).  The City will and has complied with secondary reporting requirements
               of SEC 15c2-12.

               Financial Advisor

               The  City  will retain  an external  financial  advisor.   The  financial advisor must  have comprehensive
               municipal  debt  experience  and  experience  in  diverse  financial  structuring  requirements.    The  City
               financial advisor must also be of reputable character and in good standing with SEC and the MSRB.

               Bond Counsel
               The City will retain an external bond counsel.  Bond Counsel must have comprehensive municipal debt
               experience and experience in diverse financial structuring requirements.  Bond Counsel must also be of
               reputable character and in good standing with Texas Law Review Board.

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