Page 94 - CityofKennedaleFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 94


               The Capital Projects Fund (04) receives revenues from the City’s waste collection contractor,
               Waste Connections, based on their overall landfill revenue.  Funds are transferred to Debt
               Service (02) to pay for debt requirements related to improvements to Dick Price Road, the road
               that leads to the landfill.

                                                  Fund 04 CAPITAL PROJECTS
               Account              Description            FY23 Actual  FY24 Budget  FY24 Projected   FY25 Budget
            04-4401-00-00  INVESTMENT INCOME                      7,556        5,700           8,164          8,200
            04-4421-00-00  LANDFILL REVENUE-WASTE CONNECTIO              112,975   90,000   123,468          120,000
            TOTAL FUND REVENUES                           $            120,531  $              95,700  $                131,632  $                  128,200

               Account              Description            FY23 Actual  FY24 Budget  FY24 Projected   FY25 Budget
                                                                     -           -              -               -
            TOTAL EXPENDITURES                            $                  -  $   -  $       -  $             -

            REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES            $            120,531  $              95,700  $                131,632  $                  128,200

               Account              Description            FY23 Actual  FY24 Budget  FY24 Projected   FY25 Budget
            04-5702-00-00  TRANSFER OUT – DEBT SERVICE                (104,800)             (108,055)   (108,055)   (108,265)
            TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES)          $        (104,800) $        (108,055) $             (108,055) $               (108,265)

            NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE                    $            15,731  $          (12,355) $                  23,577  $                   19,935
            BEGINNING FUND BALANCE — OCT 1                $          174,591  $          190,322  $                190,322  $                  213,899
            ENDING FUND BALANCE — SEPT 30                 $          190,322  $          177,967  $                213,899  $                  233,834

                                                   CITYOFKENNEDALE.COM/BUDGET                              94
   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99