Page 73 - CityofGrapevineFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 73

Expenditures and Other Financing Uses

               The FY25 adopted budget for General Government fund expenditures totals $110 million dollars,
               an increase  of $11.8  million  (12%)  from the prior  year.  General Government net operating
               expenditures (excluding transfers) are budgeted at $99.5 million and represent an increase of $8.8
               million from the previous year.

               Personnel costs  represent the single largest expenditure category, accounting for  39% of  all
               General Government expenditures.  Budgeted at $42.6 million, personnel expenditures increase
               $2.7 million from the previous year’s budget. Estimated expenditures for FY24 were $39 million
               and represent an increase of $1.4 million (3.76%) from FY23 Actuals.

                 PERSONNEL                   FY-2019    FY-2020    FY-2021    FY-2022    FY-2023    FY-2024
                 COSTS                        Actual     Actual     Actual     Actual     Actual    Estimate

                 Expenditures               $33,462,354 $34,151,272 $34,415,045 $35,213,702 $38,200,150 $39,634,707
                 Increase / (Decrease)       $1,365,542  $688,918   $263,773   $798,657  $2,986,448  $1,434,557
                 % Change                        4.25%      2.06%      0.77%      2.32%      8.48%      3.76%

               Total authorized positions in the General Fund (full-time) for FY25 are 329.5 and represent an
               increase of 7.0  FTE as the Police  Department will add six Animal Services personnel and one
               Assistant Police Chief.

                AUTHORIZED POSITIONS       FY-2019     FY-2020    FY-2021    FY-2022    FY-2023    FY-2024
                GENERAL FUND                Actual      Actual     Actual     Actual     Actual    Estimate

                Full-Time Equivalents (FTEs)   321.00     320.50     320.50     320.50     322.50     329.50
                Increase / (Decrease)           (2.00)     (0.50)      0.00       0.00       2.00       7.00
                % Change                       -0.62%     -0.16%      0.00%      0.00%      0.62%      2.17%

               Supplies and Maintenance are budgeted at $6.48 million, an increase of $682,700 from the previous
               year’s budget.   Motor vehicle supplies  (including  gasoline)  are budgeted at $429,050  which is
               $27,900  more than  the previous  year.  The City  continues to utilize purchasing cooperative
               agreements with other  municipalities and  governmental  agencies to secure the highest quality
               supplies at the lowest possible cost.  FY24 estimated expenditures for Supplies totaled $3.8 million
               and represented a 1.8% decrease from the previous year.  Supplies and maintenance represent 6% of
               total General Government expenditures.

                 SUPPLIES                    FY-2019    FY-2020    FY-2021    FY-2022    FY-2023    FY-2024
                 GENERAL FUND                 Actual     Actual     Actual     Actual     Actual    Estimate

                 Expenditures                $3,253,197  $2,997,950  $2,992,663  $4,887,962  $3,896,118  $3,824,105
                 Increase / (Decrease)         ($72,150)  ($255,247)  ($5,287)  $1,895,299  ($991,844)  ($72,013)
                 % Change                        -2.2%      -7.8%      -0.2%      63.3%      -20.3%      -1.8%

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