Page 27 - City of Fort Worth Budget Book
P. 27
August 13, 2024
Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
City of Fort Worth, Texas
I am pleased to present to you the Fiscal Year 2025 (FY2025) Recommended Budget. This budget addresses the
strategic initiatives of the City Council, focusing on the City’s ongoing investment in core services like public safety
and infrastructure.
I am presenting you with a balanced $1.062 billion General Fund budget that achieves the following:
• Reflects our consistent growth in population and development
• Continues to emphasize the importance of public safety
• Continues programs to ensure equitable investment and maintenance throughout the city
• Continues the cash funding dedicated to capital projects, including an increased focus on street
maintenance and repair plus additional funding in neighborhood improvement, park maintenance and
improvements and information technology
• Increases the property tax rate to 67.73 cents per $100 of assessed taxable value, which reflects the no-
new-revenue tax rate
• Reflects a continued investment in green space initiatives and preservation
Addressing the growing demands on our city’s resources, the citywide FY2025 Adopted Budget—which includes
the Debt Service Fund and most operating funds—totals nearly $2.8 billion, which is a 7.4% increase from the
FY2024 Budget. Also, the citywide budget includes a total of 8,216 authorized positions (APs).
We remain one of the fastest-growing cities in the nation, as well as one of the most livable communities. We
continue to believe the future is bright in Fort Worth. We anticipate job and population growth to continue as more
companies and people move to Fort Worth. The FY2025 Adopted Budget is our plan to meet our responsibilities,
address our challenges, improve our services, and ensure appropriate equitable investments toward infrastructure
while maintaining high quality city services.
Respectfully submitted,
David Cooke
City Manager