Page 251 - City of Fort Worth Budget Book
P. 251
Enterprise Funds Municipal Airports
FY2023 FY2024 FY2024 FY2025 Chg from PY Adopted
Final Adopted Adjusted Rec. Amount %
License & Permits — 54,100 54,100 47,100 (7,000) -12.9 %
Charge for Service 7,049,546 6,553,200 6,553,200 6,755,260 202,060 3.1 %
Use of Money & Property 9,211,519 9,008,701 9,008,701 9,503,602 494,901 5.5 %
Other 129,712 123,688 123,688 124,800 1,112 0.9 %
Transfer In 59,501 59,501 59,501 59,500 (1) 0.0 %
Use of Fund Balance — 1,815,000 1,815,000 — (1,815,000) -100.0 %
Total Revenues 16,450,278 17,614,190 17,614,190 16,490,262 (1,123,928) -6.4 %
Salaries & Benefits 2,918,902 3,366,063 3,366,063 3,158,234 (207,829) -6.2 %
Gen Operating &
Maintenance 6,566,320 9,081,489 9,081,489 9,473,708 392,219 4.3 %
Transfer Out & Other 8,857,545 5,166,638 5,166,638 3,858,320 (1,308,318) -25.3 %
Total Expenses 18,342,767 17,614,190 17,614,190 16,490,262 (1,123,928) -6.4 %
Grand Total $ (1,892,489) $ — $ — $ — $ — (6.4) %
2024 2025 Change
Municipal Airports Fund 31.00 30.48 31.00 30.48 — —
Total 31.00 30.48 31.00 30.48 — —
The Aviation Department oversees a system of airports, which includes: Fort Worth Meacham International Airport
(Meacham), Fort Worth Spinks Airport (Spinks), and Perot Field Fort Worth Alliance Airport (Perot Field). The
Department is responsible for capital improvements, accounts payable/receivable, grants management, human
resources, leasing, and accounting and budgeting for all three Fort Worth Airports to varying degrees. For
Meacham and Spinks Airports, the Operations Division is responsible for the day-to-day operations of each airport
and inspects each airport to identify deficiencies and implement appropriate corrective action; the Maintenance
Division is responsible for maintaining airfields and airport facilities. For Perot Field, Alliance Air/Aviation Services
performs the operational and maintenance duties required.
Fort Worth Meacham International Airport – The city's oldest operating airport – dating to 1925 – is situated just
five miles north of downtown Fort Worth. From its humble beginnings as a 100-acre site with dirt and sod
runways, the airport has grown into a premier general aviation airport. Meacham now encompasses over 900
acres of land with two active runways. There are currently 108 total hangar facilities accounting for over 1.5 million
square feet of hangar space housing over 360 based aircraft. Meacham maintains a state-of-the-art U.S.
Customs and Border Protection User Fee Facility that first became operational in June 2019, providing a port of
entry into the U.S. for the international corporate and general aviation community.
The renovation of Meacham’s main administration building was completed in 2017. Aviation, Planning and
Development staff, and other airport tenants, including one of two Fixed Based Operators (FBOs), are now
located in the newly renovated building. The FBOs, Texas Jet and American Aero, provide a majority of the
airport's fuel flowage and hangar space. Meacham based businesses also include specialized aeronautical
services consisting of fueling, maintenance, storage, painting, flight training, and aero-medical flight services
providers. Aviation activity continues to rise at Meacham which now ranks as the busiest general aviation airport
in the State of Texas and 32nd overall in the United States.