Page 19 - City of Fort Worth Budget Book
P. 19

Processes and Policies                                                          Fund Structure

            The City’s accounts are organized based on funds and account groups, each of which is considered a separate
            accounting entity. The operations of each fund are accounted for with a separate set of self-balancing accounts
            comprised of assets, liabilities, fund equity, revenues, and expenditures or expenses as appropriate.

            Governmental Fund Types
            Governmental funds are used to account for the majority of the City’s activities and are comprised of the general,
            general debt, and special revenue funds.
            General Fund:

            The General Fund is the primary operating fund of the City. It is used to account for all financial resources except
            for those required to be accounted for in another fund. The primary revenue sources are non-exchange revenues
            such as taxes for which the City accounts on a modified accrual basis.

            The General Fund is first subdivided into individual departments to account for functional and program activities.
            The  departments  may  be  further  divided  into  divisions  to  account  for  greater  detail.  For  example:  the  Police
            Department is the parent department to the Police Traffic Division.
            General Debt Service Fund:

            The  Debt  Service  Fund  is  used  to  account  for  principal  and  interest  payments  for  the  city’s  long-term,  tax-
            supported debt.
            Special Revenue Funds:

            Special revenue funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are legally restricted
            to expenditures for specified purposes.

            Proprietary Fund Types
            Proprietary  funds  are  used  when  the  city  charges  customers  for  services  it  provides  to  recover  the  costs  of
            providing the services. This group includes both enterprise and internal service funds.

            Enterprise Funds:
            Enterprise funds are used to account for operations that are financed and operated as private businesses. The
            goal of the city is that the costs (expenses, including depreciation) of providing the service are recovered through
            user  charges.  The  primary  customers  are  outside  entities.  For  example:  a  homeowner  who  receives  water
            service. The City of Fort Worth has five enterprise funds, two of which are considered major funds.

            The Water Fund contains three departments, water, sewer and reclamation water. This fund is responsible for all
            the water and sewer services to the City and to 33 surrounding communities. These departments also repair and
            replace water and sewer lines that have broken or are old and in need of replacing.

            The Stormwater Utility Fund plans and executes the City’s response to flood conditions and how to mitigate
            flooding in the City. This department maintains the existing system of pipes and channels and improves drainage
            and reduces erosion through construction projects. It also warns the public about flooding and erosion hazards
            and reviews developments for compliance with City stormwater standards.
            Internal Service Funds:

            Internal service funds are used to account for operations that are operated as private businesses, but the primary
            customers are internal departments. The City of Fort Worth has five internal service funds.

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