Page 417 - CityofColleyvilleFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 417

General Fund: The fund established to account for those resources devoted to  nancing the general administration of
            the City and traditional services provided to citizens, such as public safety and public works.

            Grant: A sum of money given by a government or other organization for a particular purpose.

            Impact Fees: Impact fees are charges imposed on developers for new construction projects to help cover the costs of
            providing public infrastructure, such as water, wastewater, roads, and drainage, necessitated by the new development.
            These fees ensure that growth-related infrastructure costs are shared by those creating the need for the improvements.

            Indirect Cost: Costs of a service not re ected in the operating budget of the entity providing the service. An example of
            an indirect cost of providing water service would be the value of time spent by non-water department employees
            processing water bills. A determination of these costs is necessary to analyze the total cost of service delivery. The matter
            of indirect costs arises most often in the context of enterprise funds.

            Interest: Compensation paid or to be paid for the use of money, including amounts payable at periodic intervals or
            discounted at the time a loan is made. In the case of municipal bonds, interest payments accrue on a day-to-day basis,
            but are paid every six months.

            Liabilities: Debt or other legal obligations arising from past transactions, which must be liquidated, renewed, or refunded
            at some future date.

            Operating Budget: A detailed projection of all estimated income and expenses based on forecasted revenue during a
            given period (typically one  scal year).

            Proper ty Tax: Taxes levied on all real and personal property according to the property's valuation and the tax rate, in
            compliance with the State Property Tax Code.

            Reser ve Fund: A fund designed to accumulate amounts for capital and other future spending purposes, although it may
            be appropriated for any lawful purpose.

            Revenue: Generally refers to income received by the City from taxes, fees, grants, interest on investments, and other
            related sources.

            Tax Levy: The total amount to be raised by general property taxes for operating and debt service purposes.

            User Fees: Charges imposed by the City for speci c services or facilities, such as water, sewer, or recreation programs.

                                                       List of Acronyms
            ACFR: Annual Comprehensive Financial Report
            ADA: Americans with Disabilities Act
            CCCPD: Colleyville Crime Control & Prevention District
            CEDC: Colleyville Economic Development Corporation
            CIP: Capital Improvement Program
            CPA: Certi ed Public Accountant
            CPI: Consumer Price Index
            EMS: Emergency Medical Services
            FDIC: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
            FEMA: Federal Emergency Management Agency
            FICA: Federal Insurance Contributions Act (Social Security Tax)
            FTE: Full-time equivalent
            GA AP: Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
            GASB: Governmental Accounting Standards Board
            GCISD: Grapevine-Colleyville Independent School District
            GFOA: Government Finance Of cers Association
            GIS: Geographical Information Systems
            GO: General Obligation

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