Page 236 - CityofColleyvilleFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 236
Organizational Chart
Direc tor of Librar y
Ser vices
Librarian - Adul t Ser vices Librarian - Circ/Info. Svcs. Librarian - Youth Ser vices Administrative Secretar y Librar y Program an d Librarian - PT - Technical
- PT Outrea ch Coord Ser vices
Assistant Librarian - PT - Librar y Assistant - PT - Librar y Clerk - PT (4) Librar y Assistant - PT -
Adul t Ser vices Circ/ Tech Svcs (3) Youth Ser vices (5)
Departmental Goals & Objectives
Goal 1: Develop and Enhance the Librar y Collection Goal 2: Foster Community Engagement
Objective 1.1: Reallocate shelving space for the Objective 2.1: Develop and implement a marketing
physical collection to improve organization and and outreach plan to increase community awareness
accessibility. of library services and programs.
Performance Measure 1.1.1: Use collection Performance Measure 2.1.1: Number of
reports to determine collection size and community outreach events held annually.
circulation statistics to assess utilization.
Prior Year Actual (2023) N/A
Prior Year Actual (2023)
6 programs
Current Year Estimate (2024)
Current Year Estimate
12 programs
(2024) Budget Year Target (2025)
Reallocate 5% of shelving
Budget Year Target
Objective 1.2: Expand the digital collection to better
serve community needs.
Performance Measure 1.2.1: Percentage
increase in digital collection holdings.
0% digital collection
Prior Year Actual (2023)
4% digital collection
Current Year Estimate
5% digital collection
Budget Year Target
City of Colleyville | Budget Book 2025 Page 236