Page 223 - CityofBurlesonFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 223
10. Reinspection Fees
A. Reinspection Fee - 2nd red tag for same item $75
B. Rein spection Fee - 3rd red tag for same item $150
11. Miscellaneous Permits
A. Swimming Pool
1. In-Ground $200
2. Above Ground $ 50
8. Other - Includes:
1. Storage Buildings (Less than 200 sq. ft.) $25
2. Moving Permit $25
3. carport/Awning $25
4. Fence (New & Replace) $25
5. Retaining Wall $25
6. Window Replacement $25
7. Foundation (New) S75
8. Demolition Permits $25 for residential/ SlOO for commercial
9. Patio Cover S50
10. Freestanding Structure (i.e. Pergola, Gazebo, Arbor) S50
11. Subdivision Entry Wall Screen Sl50
C. Lawn Sprinkler SlOO
D. Signs
1. Freestanding Sign $100 (Pole/ Pylon/ Monument / Flag Sign)
S50 (Awning / canopy / Channel Letters/ Marquee / Mural/Poster/ Projection / Roof Sign /
2. Wall Sign without CMS
Sign cabinet)
$100 (Awning/ canopy/ Channel Letters/ Marquee/ Mural/Poster/ Projection/ Roof Sign/
3. Wall Sign with CMS
Sign cabinet)
4. CMS added to existing Wall or Freestanding Sign $100
5. Shopping Center Sign Plan $250
6. Temporary Signs S25 (Banners / Homebuilder / Residential Subdivision Development)
7. Sign Variance $250
8. Billboard Conversion S200 (Static type to Electronic)
E. Subdivision Entry Wall Screen $150
12. After Hours Inspection S60 per hour (2 hour minimum)
13. Plan Review
A. Commercial Plan Review (New Only) 40% of Building Permit Fee - S250 minimum & a S7,000 maximum (non-refundable)
8. Commercial Remodel/ Addition 40% of Building Permit Fee (non-refundable)
C. Residential Plan Review (New) S75/ each
D. Residential Plan Review (Remodel/ Addition) $30
14. Building Codes & Standards Board $150
15. Electrician's Ucense
A. Master
1. First Annual $0
2. Renewal so
B. Journeyman
1. First Annual $0
2. Renewal $0
C. Sub-Contractor Base Permit Fee / Validation Fee Residential S65/Commercial S75
16. Mechanical Ucense
A. Mechanical
1. First Annual $100
2. Renewa l $50
B. Sub-Contractor Base Penmit Fee / Validation Fee Residential $65/Commercial $75
17. Plumbing Contractor's Registration
A. First Annual $0
B. Renewal so
C. Sub-Contractor Base Permit Fee / Validation Fee Residential $65/Commercial $75
18. Temporary Use
A. Special Events $50
B. Seasonal Use S50
C. Temporary Outdoor Sales S50
D. Stationary Food Vendors S50
E. carnival & Circus S50
19. Administrative fee {Applied when changes ore made to previously reviewed
and/or permitted projects for residential or commercial - i. e. revised site plan, floor S25
plan, etc.}
A. First Revision S75
8. Second Revision Sl50
C. Each Additional Revision $200/ each
20. Modular buildings/construction trailers /Utilities require separate permit - see #5 S
- one trade only permits)