Page 214 - CityofBurlesonFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 214

Effective Tax Rate                                  GO
              The rate which produces the same revenues in terms of the total amount of   Acronym for General Obligation.
              taxes as compared to the prior year.
              Encumbrances                                        Acronym for Government Finance Officers Association
              Commitments in the form of purchase orders or contracts which are
              chargeable to an appropriation and for which a part of the appropriation is   General Debt Service Fund
              reserved.                                           The General Debt Service Fund is used to pay principal and interest on
                                                                  General Obligation Bonds.
              Enterprise Fund
              A fund established to account for operations that are financed and operated   General Fund
              in a manner similar to private business enterprises--where the intent of the   This fund typically includes most of the basic operation services, such as
              governing body is that the costs of providing goods or services to the   police and fire protection, public works, parks and recreation, library and
              general public on a continuing basis be financed or recovered primarily   general administration.  General Fund revenues include: tax revenues,
              through user fees.                                  licenses and permits, intergovernmental revenue, service fees, fines and
                                                                  forfeitures, and interest.
              Acronym for Extra Territorial Jurisdiction          General Obligation Bonds
                                                                  Bonds that finance public projects such as streets, municipal facilities, and
              Expenditures                                        park improvements.  The repayment of these bonds is made from property
              The outflow of funds paid or to be paid for an asset obtained or goods and   taxes, and these bonds are backed by the full faith and credit of the issuing
              services obtained, regardless of when the expense is actually paid.   government.
              Expenses                                            Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
              Charges incurred (whether paid immediately or unpaid) for operation,   Uniform minimum standards and guidelines to financial accounting and
              maintenance, interest and other charges.            reporting.  GAAP governs the form and content of the basic financial
                                                                  statements of an entity.  They encompass the conventions, rules and
              FF                                                  procedures necessary to define accepted accounting practices at a
              Acronym for Firefighter.                            particular time.  They include not only broad guidelines of general
                                                                  application, but also detailed practices and procedures. They provide a
              FY                                                  standard by which to measure financial presentations.
              Abbreviation for Fiscal Year.
              Fiscal Year                                         Goals describe the purpose or benefit the division/department plans to
              The time period designated by the City signifying the beginning and ending   provide to the community and/or organization it serves.  Goals identify the
              period for recording financial transactions.  The City of Burleson's budget   end result the division or department desires to achieve with its activities,
              year is from October 1 to September 30.             but goals are often ongoing and may not be achieved in one year.

              Fixed assets                                        Governmental Funds
              Assets of a long-term character which are intended to continue to be held or   Governmental Funds are those through which most governmental
              used, such as land, buildings, improvements other than buildings,   functions are financed.
              machinery and equipment.  In Burleson, an item is capitalized as a fixed   The generally follow the modified accrual basis of accounting, therefore the
              asset if it is over $5000 in value and has a useful life in excess of one year.   primary focus is on financial position and changes in net assets vs. net
                                                                  income determination.
              Franchise Tax
              A charge paid for the use of City streets and public right-of-way and is in lieu   Hotel/Motel Fund
              of all other municipal charges, fees, street rentals, pipe taxes or rentals,   Hotel/Motel Fund is used to account for the receipts and allocation of the
              easement or others such as inspection fee, and/or charges of every kind   City’s 7% room occupancy tax imposed on the rental of hotel-motel room
              except only ad valorem and special assessment taxes for public   located within the corporate city limits and extraterritorial jurisdiction of the
              improvements (e.g., gas, telephone, cable television and banks).   City.

              Full-Time Equivalent (FTE)                          Hotel/Motel Tax
              A measure of authorized personnel calculated by equating 2,080 hours of   A tax levied upon the occupancy of any room or space furnished by any
              work per year with the full-time equivalent of 1 position.   hotel where such cost of occupancy is at the rate of two ($2.00) dollars or
                                                                  more per day.  In Burleson and its extraterritorial jurisdiction, a room tax of
              Fund                                                seven (7%) is levied.  Revenue from this tax is used by the City and
              An independent fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of   Burleson Area Chamber of Commerce for promoting and advertising the
              accounts recording cash and/or other resources together with all related   City.
              liabilities, obligations, reserves, and equities which are segregated for the
              purpose of carrying on specific activities or attaining certain objectives.   IH
                                                                  Acronym for Interstate Highway.
              Fund Balance
              Fund balance is the excess of assets over liabilities and is therefore also   IT
              known as surplus funds.                             Acronym for Information Technology.

              Acronym for Geographical Information System.

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