Page 107 - CityofBurlesonFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 107

                                                             4A SALES TAX REVENUE
                                             2022-23          2023-24          2023-24           2024-25
                                                             ORIGINAL         REVISED
                                            ACTUAL                                              BUDGET
                                                             BUDGET            BUDGET
         Beginning fund balance/
         working capital                 $              1,148,511  $              5,433,397  $              5,433,397  $              6,295,522
        Sales & Use Taxes                               7,347,726                  7,594,138                  7,594,138                  7,643,839
        Investment Earnings                                161,674                     100,000                     100,000                       75,000
        Miscellaneous                                      338,607                     290,000                     290,000                     301,575
        Ofs-Sale Of Capital                                          -                    2,375,000                  2,375,000                  2,375,000
        Total Revenues                                  7,848,007                10,359,138                10,359,138                10,395,414

        Salaries                                           308,555                     328,235                     353,288                     524,266
        Benefits                                           148,378                     147,518                     155,268                     216,859
        Reimb Personnel                                      52,992                       92,246                       92,246                               -
        Personnel Developmnt                                 20,486                       45,925                       45,925                       87,175
        Misc                                               316,846                     378,669                     378,669                     296,500
        Supplies                                               1,659                         6,000                         6,000                         8,750
        Minor Furn & Equip                                           -                                 -                                 -                           1,500
        Outside Services                                     83,992                     430,250                     430,250                     144,067
        Infr Maint & Repair                                    2,772                       30,000                       30,000                       27,500
        Utilities                                            16,334                       29,041                       37,121                       26,885
        Contribution To Isf                                139,744                     220,674                     220,674                     463,220
        Economic Development Incentives                     201,761                  4,491,060                  4,491,060                  4,755,900
        Cost Allocation Exp                                176,925                     156,564                     156,564                     161,260
        Tranfers Out                                                                  -                                 -                                 -
            Transfer Out                                       5,000                               -                                 -                                 -
            Capital                                        261,169                               -                                 -                                 -
            Transfer to GF                                           -                                 -                                 -                       136,109
            Debt                                        1,826,508                  2,757,636                  3,218,075                  4,126,727
        Total Expenditures                              3,563,121                  9,113,818                  9,615,140                10,976,718

         Change in fund balance                          4,284,886                  1,245,320                     743,998                    (581,304)
         Ending fund balance/ working
        capital                          $              5,433,397  $              6,678,717  $              6,177,395  $              5,714,218

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