P. 126

D D De e eb b bt t t     S S Se e er r rv v vi i ic c ce e e     F F Fu u un n nd d d

               The Debt Service Fund is used to account for payment of principal and interest on the
               City’s General Obligation Bonds and Certificates of Obligation.  An ad valorem tax is
               levied and  allocated annually to the debt service in amounts sufficient to service the
               debt payments.

               The fund is accounted for on a modified accrual basis of accounting.  Revenues are
               recorded when available and measurable.   Expenditures are recorded when the liability
               is incurred.

               The City charter does not establish any legal debt limits for the City of Azle.   Under the
               provisions  of state law, the  maximum tax rate is limited to  $2.50 per  $100  assessed
               valuation.  The City’s  adopted  rate  of $0.6140869  (including $0.0816528  for debt
               service) is $1.8859131 below the state maximum rate.

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