Page 291 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
P. 291

General Obligation Debt Service Fund 03

                                                 Budget Summary

                                                            HISTORY           CURRENT YEAR     FORECAST
                                                     FY2020-21  FY2021-22  FY2022-23  FY2022-23  FY2023-24
                                                       Actual    Actual    Budget    Estimate   Budget *
                     Fund Balance, October 1*          $765,068   $758,686  $782,055   $782,055  $827,043
                      Ad Valorem Taxes                 2,750,574  2,987,004  3,400,000  3,450,000  4,149,000
                      Delinquent Taxes                   15,546    11,818     11,000     8,000    11,000
                      Penalty & Interest                 13,221    13,410     11,000    15,000    11,000
                      Interest Income                     1,262     5,113     2,000     35,000    40,000
                      Transfer from EDC                 157,503   147,078    153,200   153,200    149,000
                     Current Year Resources            $2,938,106  $3,164,421  $3,577,200  $3,661,200  $4,360,000
                     Total Available Resources       $    3,703,174  $    3,923,108  $    4,359,255  $    4,443,255  $    5,187,043
                       2016 Certificates of Obligation
                      Principal                         245,000   255,000    265,000   265,000    270,000
                      Interest                          114,869   106,144     98,344    98,344    90,319
                       2018 Certificates of Obligation
                      Principal                         480,000   310,000    330,000   330,000    245,000
                      Interest                          224,590   204,840    188,840   188,840    174,415

                       2014 Certificates of Obligation
                      Principal                         515,000   900,000    100,000   100,000    100,000
                      Interest                           72,669    55,625     42,875    42,875    39,875

                       2003/2013 Certificate of Obligation
                      Principal                         200,000   195,000    190,000   190,000        0
                      Interest                           10,913     6,469     2,138      2,138        0
                       2007 Certificates of Obligation
                      Principal                         200,000   210,000    220,000   220,000    225,000
                      Interest                           61,239    52,814     43,977    43,977    34,832
                       2011 Certificates of Obligation
                      Principal                         455,000        0         0          0         0
                      Interest                           24,341        0         0          0         0
                       2020 Refunding (2011) CO
                      Principal                              0    115,000    115,000   115,000    115,000
                      Interest                               0      6,044     4,709      4,709     3,364

                       2019 Certificates of Obligation
                      Principal                          50,000    55,000     55,000    55,000    60,000
                      Interest                           13,950    11,325     8,575      8,575     5,700
                       2020 TN Certificates of Obligation
                      Principal                          75,000    90,000     90,000    90,000    95,000
                      Interest                           22,138    11,550     8,400      8,400     5,163
                       2020 Certificates of Obligation
                      Principal                         120,000   115,000    200,000   200,000    205,000
                      Interest                           58,028    63,050     58,325    58,325    52,250
                       2021 Certificates of Obligation
                      Principal                              0    265,000    275,000   275,000    285,000
                      Interest                               0    111,050    100,250   100,250    89,050
                       2022 Certificates of Obligation
                      Principal                              0         0    1,005,000  1,070,000  190,000
                      Interest                               0         0     213,915   148,179    128,800
                       2023 Certificates of Obligation
                      Principal                              0         0         0          0   1,390,000
                      Interest                               0         0         0          0     345,000

                       Fiscal Agent Charges               1,750     2,143     1,400      1,600     2,000
                       Total Debt Service Requirement  $2,944,487  $3,141,053  $3,616,748  $3,616,212  $4,150,767
                     Fund Balance, September 30        $758,686  $782,055   $742,507  $827,043  $1,036,276
                                                          -6381      23369     -39548    44988     209233

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