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               ❖  FY2003-FY2011, the City was focused on an aggressive facilities campaign. During this
                   time, we constructed a new City Hall and Animal Shelter, and upgraded facilites for the
                   Police  and  Recreation  departments,  along  with  upgrades  to  major  streets.  The  new
                   Fire/EMS facility, was completed in FY2011, for just under $3.8 million dollars.

               ❖  FY2011-FY2021,  the  City’s  focus  began  to  move  from  constructing  and  renovating
                   facilities to the city’s infrastructure and the need for replacement of outdated equipment
                   and vehicles city-wide.  In July of 2011, in order to fund future capital projects and needed
                   equipment, the City issued $7.365 million in Combination and Limited Pledge Revenue
                   Certificates of Obligation.  This new issuance was designed to fund street improvements,
                   water and sewer and drainage projects, purchase of new equipment, vehicles, machinery,
                   and technology purchases.  The issuance was timed to allow the City to maintain relatively
                   the same amount of debt as prior years for both the General Fund and the Utility Fund.
                   In  July,  2012,  the  City  issued  $7.73  million  in  new  debt  for  the  utility  fund.  With  this
                   issuance,  the  City  embarked  on  major  improvements  in  the  City’s  water  and  sewer
                   infrastructure.  The projects began in FY2013 were completed in FY2018.  In FY2013,
                   certain projects were identified as priority needs such as street projects, infrastructure,
                   parks, and a Senior Center that resulted in the issuance of $3.50 million in Certificates of
                   Obligation.    These  funds  partially  funded  the  expansion  of  the  Community  Center  to
                   include a Senior Center which was completed in FY2017.  Also, the Bursey Road, Phase
                   I street project, a major thoroughfare in the City, was funded by this debt issuance that
                   was  completed  in  FY2016.     In  FY2016,  a  $5.885  million  debt  issuance  provided  for
                   funding for street projects such as Bursey Road, Phase II and Whitley Road, and parks
                   projects to enhance the quality of life for Watauga citizens.  The Whitley Road project is
                   ongoing and the funding provided by this issuance is expected to be expended this fiscal
                   year.  In the Spring of 2017, a $7.325 million Certificates of Obligation was issued to
                   provide funding for improvements to the City’s utility system.  Various wastewater and
                   water projects began in FY2018 and will continue in future years utilizing these funds.  In
                   FY2018, a $6.780 million Certificates of Obligation issuance provided funding for parks
                   projects, street projects, and other improvements listed within the 5-year Capital Plan.  In
                   FY2019, $8.85 million Certificates of Obligation issuance provided funding to continue the
                   major utility infrastructure improvment projects and provide for some vehicle and heavy
                   equipment  replacements.    $8.0  million  of  the  proceeds  will  fund  projects  such  as
                   replacements of water and sewer lines and manhole replacements throughout the City.

               ❖  FY2022 – FY2024  The City’s CIP plan continues with infrastructure projects funded in
                   prior years.  Funding of street projects is a priority and funding was provided in FY2022
                   by a $4.70 million issuance to fund streets and a large portion of the City’s Capital Outlay
                   Plan  needs.    In  FY2023,  the  City’s  CIP  plan  continued  with  with  the  addition  of  new
                   projects.  Hightower Road and Watauga Road street construction projects were added to
                   the 5-year Capital Improvement Plan to improve these streets and assist in attracting new
                   businesses and development to the City.       Certificates of Obligation were issued in the
                   amount of $4.9 million in FY2023 and $8.8 million in FY2024 to fund these street projects,
                   as  well  as  capital  outlay  needs  such  as  vehicles  and  public  safety  replacement

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