P. 8

8-18-2023 02:32 PM                               CITY  OF  SANSOM  PARK                                         PAGE:  3
                                                                           APPROVED BUDGET
                                                                        AS OF:  JULY 31ST, 2023
                     106-GENERAL FUND

                                                                                        (------- 2022-2023 --------)(------- 2023-2024 --------)
                                                              2020-2021      2021-2022      CURRENT    YEAR-TO-DATE    REQUESTED      APPROVED
                     REVENUES                                   ACTUAL         ACTUAL        BUDGET       ACTUAL         BUDGET        BUDGET

                     56001        Grant Revenue-Police      CURRENT YEAR NOTES:

                                                            STEP GRANT paid for OT in the Police Department

                     56002        Grant Revenue-Fire        PERMANENT NOTES:
                                                            Training Grants; Texas Forrest Service

                     MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE
                     106-57000 Miscellaneous Revenue        (      2,478)        17,078         1,500         3,114             0         1,500
                     106-57001 Discounts Taken              (        193)  (      2,146)            0  (         51)            0             0
                     106-57010 Community Center Rental                 0              0             0             0             0             0
                     106-57100 Sale of Assets                          0          3,055             0        21,589             0             0
                     106-57200 Jail Telephone Charges                  0              0             0             0             0             0
                     106-57210 Hazardous Waste Charges                 0              0             0             0             0             0
                     106-57300 Insurance Claims Revenue                0          2,050             0         2,201             0         2,000
                     106-57305 State Funding- Training                 0              0             0             0             0             0
                     106-57800 Workers Comp Reimb                      0              0             0             0             0             0
                     106-57900 Sale of Surplus Property           27,075         19,510         3,000        56,896             0         2,000
                     106-57901 Sale of Scrap                           0              0             0             0             0             0
                     106-57902 Lease Revenue                           0              0             0             0             0             0
                        TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE               24,404         39,547         4,500        83,748             0         5,500

                     OTHER FINANCING SOURCES
                     106-58500 Loan/Lease Proceeds                     0              0             0             0             0             0
                     106-58510 Use of Fund Balance                     0              0             0             0             0             0
                        TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES                  0              0             0             0             0             0

                     OTHER FINANCING SOURCES
                     106-59901 Transfer from GF                        0              0             0             0             0             0
                     106-59902 Transfer from CCPD Fund                 0              0             0             0             0             0
                     106-59903 Transfer from EDC Fund             27,500        100,966        50,857        42,381             0        65,322
                     106-59906 Transfer from W/S Fund            348,022        350,000       275,000       229,167             0       400,000
                     106-59907 Transfer from TIF Fund             69,000         63,250        69,000        57,500             0       125,000
                     106-59908 Transfer from Debt Svc Fd               0              0             0             0             0             0
                     106-59936 Transfer from EDC Fund                  0              0             0             0             0             0
                     106-59940 Transfer from CARES Act Fund      249,720         50,135             0             0             0             0
                     106-59945 Transfer from ARPA Fund                 0        585,169       712,137       593,448             0             0
                        TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES            694,242      1,149,520     1,106,994       922,495             0       590,322

                     59903        Transfer from EDC Fund    CURRENT YEAR NOTES:

                                                            15% of Wendy, Secretary salary
                                                            15% of Leisa, Finance salary

                                                            CA 25% Salary

                     59907        Transfer from TIF Fund    CURRENT YEAR NOTES:
                                                            Wendy salary-Secretary to the Board
                                                            Leisa salary-Finance to the Board
                                                            Mulholland Permit fees
                                                            Community Development cost with Project oversight

                     TOTAL REVENUES                            3,091,760      3,755,124     3,810,816     3,576,186             0     3,690,714
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