Page 77 - RG APPROVED BUDGET REPORT - 3921.pdf
P. 77

8-18-2023 02:33 PM                               CITY  OF  SANSOM  PARK                                         PAGE:  3
                                                       APPROVED BUDGET
                                                    AS OF:  JULY 31ST, 2023
                                                                    (------- 2022-2023 --------)(------- 2023-2024 --------)
                                          2020-2021      2021-2022      CURRENT    YEAR-TO-DATE    REQUESTED      APPROVED
 DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES                  ACTUAL         ACTUAL        BUDGET       ACTUAL         BUDGET        BUDGET

 625-2801-00  Range Supplies            PERMANENT NOTES:

                                        Amunition, targets, range fees, firearms cleaning supplies,
                                        ear and eye protection and instructor materials.

 206-625-3200-01 Citizens On Patrol Progr          0              0           250           439             0           500
 206-625-3200-02 Crime Watch Meetings              0              0           500           464             0           500
 206-625-3200-03 National Night Out            1,192            392         1,500         2,290             0         2,500
 206-625-3200-15 Community/Staff Programs      2,625            747         3,000         3,517             0         3,000
 206-625-3300-00 Training                      9,807          6,630         5,000         3,183             0         7,500
 206-625-3305-00 Travel                        1,711            857             0           175             0             0
 206-625-3400-00 Attorney                          0              0             0             0             0             0
 206-625-3420-00 IT Technical Support              0          9,546         6,000             0             0             0
 206-625-3430-00 Lab Analysis/ Reports             0          4,226         1,100         3,557             0             0
 206-625-3500-00 Bike Patrol Supplies              0              0             0             0             0         2,000
 206-625-3500-01 K-9 Supplies                      0              0             0         1,540             0         5,528
 206-625-3600-00 Online Sexual Crimes Uni          0              0             0             0             0             0
 206-625-3601-00 Dues & Subscriptions            493          8,624         2,000         1,261             0         2,675
 206-625-3602-00 Legal Publications              140             58             0            58             0             0
 206-625-3606-00 Sales Tax Audit                   0              0             0             0             0             0
 206-625-3800-00 Bank Service Charges              0              0             0             0             0             0
 206-625-3900-00 Modular Lease                     0              0             0             0             0             0
    TOTAL CONTRACTUAL & OTHER SRVC            15,967         31,080        19,350        16,485             0        24,203

 625-3200-02  Crime Watch Meetings      PERMANENT NOTES:
                                        Publications, snacks, drinks and supplies for meetings.

 625-3200-03  National Night Out        PERMANENT NOTES:
                                        Food, Drinks, Stickers for children and games

 625-3200-15  Community/Staff Programs  PERMANENT NOTES:
                                        Plaques, Certificates, Food, Drinks and supplies

 625-3300-00  Training                  PERMANENT NOTES:
                                        Mandate Training Course for police, dispatch, records and
                                        FTO school, Specialized training.

 625-3305-00  Travel                    PERMANENT NOTES:
                                        Travel and lodging for out of town court or conferences

 625-3430-00  Lab Analysis/ Reports     PERMANENT NOTES:

                                        Drug testing, DWI Blood testing, Sexual Assualt testing,
                                        employee testing.

 625-3500-01  K-9 Supplies              CURRENT YEAR NOTES:
                                        K-9 Supplies, Vet and TML Insurance

 625-3601-00  Dues & Subscriptions      PERMANENT NOTES:
                                        Professional Associations
   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82