Page 41 - RG APPROVED BUDGET REPORT - 3921.pdf
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8-18-2023 02:32 PM                               CITY  OF  SANSOM  PARK                                         PAGE: 19
                                                       APPROVED BUDGET
                                                    AS OF:  JULY 31ST, 2023
                                                                    (------- 2022-2023 --------)(------- 2023-2024 --------)
                                          2020-2021      2021-2022      CURRENT    YEAR-TO-DATE    REQUESTED      APPROVED
 DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES                  ACTUAL         ACTUAL        BUDGET       ACTUAL         BUDGET        BUDGET

 614-5002-00  Vehicle Maintenance       PERMANENT NOTES:

                                        New Engine annual Prevent Maint through Manufacture

 614-5002-00  Vehicle Maintenance       CURRENT YEAR NOTES:
                                        Engin PM and annual prevention maintenance

 614-5006-00  Licensing & Maintenance FePERMANENT NOTES:
                                        Locution/ Incode (Time&Attendance) Social Media
                                        Archiving, Antivirus and Email Archiving.

 614-5006-00  Licensing & Maintenance FeCURRENT YEAR NOTES:
                                        Locution $1634.00, Incode (Time&Attendance)$157.50 Social
                                        Media Archiving $525.00, Antivirus $242.72 and Email
                                        Archiving, Training software $1,600.00 and FW Annual

 614-5006-00  Licensing & Maintenance FeNEXT YEAR NOTES:
                                        Locution$1634.00 Incode (Time&Attendance) $157.50 Social
                                        Media Archiving $525, Antivirus $242.72 and Email Archiving
                                        $,Training software $1,600.00 and FW Annual $2838.05

 614-5200-00  Equipment Testing         PERMANENT NOTES:
                                        CASCADE and  SCBA Mask testing

 614-5200-00  Equipment Testing         CURRENT YEAR NOTES:
                                        TCFP Required SCBA Testing; Pump Testing, Ladder Testing and
                                        gas detector testing.

 614-5202-00  Bunker Gear Clean/Repair  PERMANENT NOTES:
                                        NFPA 1850

 614-5202-00  Bunker Gear Clean/Repair  CURRENT YEAR NOTES:
                                        Annual Cleaning and Testing of Gear

 614-5207-00  SCBA Maintenance          PERMANENT NOTES:
                                        Air packs; HUD Display

 614-5207-00  SCBA Maintenance          CURRENT YEAR NOTES:
                                        Aded two (2) reserve airepacks FY 22/23 ARPA FUNDS

 614-5210-00  Fire Extinguisher MaintenaPERMANENT NOTES:

                                        Annual Inspection

 614-5211-00  Fire Hydrant Maintenance  PERMANENT NOTES:
                                        Paint and supplies, oil keep working

 614-5300-00  Power Tool Maintenance    PERMANENT NOTES:
                                        Chain Saw, tune ups
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