Page 85 - CityofMansfieldFY24Budget
P. 85
FISCAL YEAR 2023-2024
Increase neighborhood connectivity to improve traffic flow through major intersections as well as
improve mobility throughout the City.
Guiding Principles: Noteworthy Essentials
1. Prioritize funding for new roadway connections that provide alternative route options for
Mansfield residents.
Invest in the City’s Master Thoroughfare Plan. City Council adopted an update to the plan in
2023 that includes a 5-year strategy for improving and maintaining City roadways.
2. Improve traffic flow volumes through major intersections at peak times by increasing
intersection capacities and using enhanced traffic signal technology and timing.
The Master Thoroughfare Plan is based on traffic counts and other metrics to help plan for
future needs.
The Street Department budget was increased in FY 2023-2024 to address citizens’ number
one priority: traffic congestion. Staff and consultants will conduct additional analysis on
target roadways.
3. Complete the City-wide active transportation plan for sidewalk and bike lane
Create a guiding document for the future of walking and bicycling conditions throughout the
City. The Plan will provide a roadmap based on data, expert insight, and community input.
4. Foster strong partnerships with the County, State, neighboring cities, and Federal
Agencies to improve mobility in the region.
The potential exists for one or two railway stops in Mansfield, according to the North Texas
Council of Government’s 2045 Mobility Plan.