Page 188 - CityofMansfieldFY24Budget
P. 188

Division Name:
                                                                                 Facilities Management

           Mission Statement:
            The mission of the Facilities Management Department is to provide a safe, clean work environment for the City’s employees and
            maintain aesthetically pleasing facilities for employees, visitors, and residents. The Facilities Management Department is
            responsible for all City-owned facilities including City Hall, Public Safety buildings, the Library, Activity Center, and Museum.

           Services Provided:
            1. The distribution of all supplies to City facilities.
            2. The upkeep and maintenance of City facilities and their major systems.
            3. Janitorial services for City facilities.

                  CITY COUNCIL’S GUIDING PRINCIPLES             N         O          R          T         H

                                                             Noteworthy  Organizational   Remarkable   Together       Healthy
                                                              Essentials  Excellence  Experiences  as One  Economy
                                                             Consistently   Strong team  Distinctive  Create   Sustainable assets,
                                                             high-quality   and internal   services and   community   financial strength &
                                                               services  culture   amenities  connections  growth

                                                                 N         O          R          T         H
           Goal #1                                               ●                                         ●
            Administer a comprehensive preventive maintenance program to reduce cost and stabilize budget forecasts.

            1. Provide resources to expand the execution of the preventative maintenance program.
            2. Evaluate all City facilities and associated equipment to ensure optimal performance.
            3. Evaluate the risk matrix to implement equipment upgrade/replacement.

                                                                          Actual    Actual    Budget     Budget
           Performance Measures                                         2020-2021  2021-2022  2022-2023  2023-2024
            Monthly preventative inspections                               115       125        150        150
            Preventative work order % completed in 30 days.               100%       100%      100%       100%

                                                                 N         O          R          T         H
           Goal #2                                               ●                    ●

            Manage upkeep of City facilities ensuring timeliness and proficiency.

            1. Negotiate and administer all Facility contracts to assure we get the best return on our investment.
            2. Perform to the highest standards to keep our facilities visually aesthetic appearance by routine painting schedules and flooring
            3. Respond to work orders professionally and ensure all work is done in a timely manner.

                                                                          Actual    Actual    Budget     Budget
           Performance Measures                                         2020-2021  2021-2022  2022-2023  2023-2024
            Square footage maintained                                    667,190    667,190   692,190    742,190
            Work orders annually                                          1,700      2,483     2,600      2,800
            Staff generated work orders completed in 30 days              95%        95%        95%       95%

   183   184   185   186   187   188   189   190   191   192   193