Page 24 - CityofHaltomFY24Budget
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City Of Haltom City Annual Budget, Fy2024                       Introduction

                                         BUDGET CALENDAR

                                    Fiscal Year 10/01/2023 - 9/30/2024

                                                      BUDGET CALENDAR
            DATE                 DONE BY    TYPE          TASK/ACTION
            DEPARTMENT'S BUDGET (March - May)
            Monday, April 3       All Dept’s  Meeting‐Departments  Budget Planning Meeting ‐ City Manager meets with departments for individual departments
            Friday, April 28      All Dept’s  Deadline    All Below items due to Finance Dept:
                                                          Fleet requests from Fleet Division
                                                          IT requests (from all depts)
                                                          Budgets, Decision Packages, Rate Changes, Revenue Estimates
            Monday, May 15        Finance   Deadline      City Manager's Working Copy due. A working draft of the line‐item budget with Fund Summaries
                                                          and Decision Packages are provided to the City Manager.
            CITY MANAGER'S BUDGET  (May - July)
            Monday, May 15        All Dept’s  Meeting‐City Council  Strategic Planning w/ Mayor & City Council.
                                                          Strategic Goals are set by City Council members.
            Thursday, June 22     All Dept's  Special Meeting ‐ Budget  Preliminary Budget: workshop with City Council to present departments decision packages and
                                            Workshop      departmental goals/objectives
            Monday, July 10       Finance   Publish       Publish Notice of Public Hearing for CCPD Budget. This hearing will be held by the CCPD Board
                                                          (7/20/23 meeting). The Proposed CCPD budget is filled with City Secretary for review and
                                                          inspection by the general public.
            CITY COUNCIL'S BUDGET (July - September)
            Monday, July 10       Council   Regular Meeting  Budget Proposal ‐ Proposed budget is formally presented by the City Manager to the City Council
                                                          for review prior to the first budget workshop. Council must also schedule public hearing date for
                                                          adoption of the budget.
            Thursday, July 20      CCPD     CCPD Board Meeting  CCPD Public Hearing ‐ The CCPD conducts a public hearing on the proposed budget. The Board will
                                                          adopt the budget after the hearing and forward it to the City Council for consideration.
            Tuesday, July 25       TAD      Tax Information Sent   Receive certified tax roll from TAD.
            Monday, August 7      Council   Special Meeting ‐ Budget  The Proposed Budget is reviewed by the City Council. City Council will schedule additional Budget
                                            Workshop      Workshops as needed.
            Friday, August 11     Finance   Publish       Deadline for publication of Public Hearing for proposed budget
            Monday, August 14     Council   Regular Meeting  At the Regular Council Meeting, the City Council will discuss the tax rate needed to support the
                                                          Proposed Budget. If the Proposed tax rate will raise more revenue than the preceding year, the
                                                          Council must vote on the proposed tax rate and schedule a Public Hearing. Council must also
                                                          schedule the public hearings for the Proposed Budget

                                                          CCPD Public Hearing ‐ City Council conduct a public hearing to approve or reject the CCPD
                                                          proposed budget. If rejected, the Council and CCPD Board must meet together to amend and
                                                          approve the budget before the beginning of the fiscal year.
            Monday, August 21     Council   Special Meeting  A Public Hearing will be held on the proposed budget and a Public Hearing on the proposed
                                                          property tax rate. First reading of the budget appropriations tax rate, and other rate ordinances.
                                                          The tax rate can be adopted the same night as the public hearing, But the tax increase vote cannot
                                                          be held later than 7 days from the public hearing. The Council must "ratify" the property tax
                                                          increase reflected in the budget when revenues raised are greater than the previous year. A vote
                                                          on the adoption of the budget must be a record vote.
            Monday, August 28     Council   Regular Meeting  Second reading of the Budget Appropriations, Tax Rate, and other Rate Ordinances. This must
                                                          occur no sooner than three and no more than fourteen days from the August 21 meeting.
                                                          Other documents to be approved include:
                                                           •        Authorized signatures designated.
                                                           •        Investment policy approved.
                                                           •        Fee Schedule approved.
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