Page 186 - CityofHaltomFY24Budget
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City Of Haltom City Annual Budget, Fy2024                Supplemental Information                                          City Of Haltom City Annual Budget, Fy2024                Supplemental Information


                                                                                                                                     1853, when the troops were sent to Fort Belknap.
                                                                                                                                     Birdville  in  1849  had  an  estimated  fifty  people  in
                                                                                                                                     town surrounded  by scattered farms and  ranches.
          Haltom City,  whose municipal boundaries  include  Street-Denton      Highway;    Loop    452-Grapevine                    Roads radiated out to Johnson Station, Dunneville
          the  first Tarrant  County  seat  of  Birdville,  is  located  Highway 26; and Northeast Loop 820. The historic            (now Grapevine), Dallas and new settlements
          near the  geographic  center  of  the county.  Haltom  name of Birdville is carried on in the names of two                 springing  up on the prairie  around  Fort Worth.
          City's land area extends three to six miles northeast  churches,  a cemetery, two roads,  an independent
          of downtown Fort Worth. It  is surrounded  on the  school district, and in the memories of its residents.                  In  an  effort  to  obtain  self-government,  some
          northwest, west, and south by Fort Worth city limits;                                                                      one hundred area residents petitioned the State
          on the east by Richland  Hills and North Richland                                                                          Legislature for a new county and elected temporary
          Hills; and on the northeast by Watauga. It is bisected                                                                     county officials. On December 20, 1849, the Texas
          by Big and Little Fossil Creeks and borders  the                                                                           Legislature  created  the new  county, and  called  it
          Trinity  River  flood  plain  on  the  south.  The  city  is                                                               Tarrant in honor of General E. H.  Tarrant.  Tarrant
          situated in an area which was once rolling grassland.                                                                      County  consisted  of parts of Navarro  County  and
                                                                                                                                     Peter's Colony. Birdville  area resident  Ed  Terrell
          Established  from a ranching  and farming                                                                                  offered  his  log  cabin  for  an  election  polling  site  to
          community, Haltom Village was founded in 1932                                                                              choose the new county seat and to elect officers who  The permanent courthouse was never  completed
          and named to honor G. W. Haltom (1872-1944),                                                                               would succeed  the  temporary  persons appointed  because in November, 1856, in a highly contested
          a Fort Worth jeweler whose family ranch                                                                                    the preceding December, 1849.  The election, on  special election, Fort  Worth won the county seat
          holdings  comprised much of the new area.                                                                                  August 5, 1850, was won by Birdville.  Tarrant  by  a  margin  of  three  to  thirteen  votes  (the  official
          Gradual growth was due in part to Haltom's                                                                                 County in 1850 had a population  of 599 whites  count varies). Jubilant  Fort Worth citizens took
          Meadow  Oaks Corporation and  the bisection                                                                                and 65 slaves,  and covered 877 square miles.  the county records, equipment, and furniture back
          of the village by major new highways affording                                                                                                                                  to Fort Worth for deposit in their own  temporary
          easier  access to Fort Worth, northeastern                                                                                                                                      courthouse. All early  Tarrant County records were
          Tarrant County  and Dallas.  Also in 1932, the                                                                                                                                  later  lost  in  a  courthouse  fire  on  March  29,  1876.
          routing  of State Highways 10  (E. Belknap
          Street) and 121 one-quarter mile south of the  First encroachment into the Birdville vicinity occurred                                                                          Birdville,  until 1856,  had  the Monday  county court
          old Birdville business  district presented  local  as early as the spring of 1840, when Captain Jonathan                                                                        sessions  and  the  associated  commercial  benefits.
          business  leaders  with a momentous  decision  Bird and 20 three-month service Texas Rangers from                                                                               It also had two newspapers, the Birdville  Western
          regarding  the future of their businesses  and  Lamar and Red River Counties were  sent into the                                                                                Express, with John  J. Courtney as its editor; and
          property investments. Most businesses chose to  frontier by General Sam Houston. Their mission was                                                                              The Birdville  Union,  with Colonel A. G. Walker  as
          relocate, in order to take advantage of greater  to establish a fort, make the area safe for settlement,                                                                        its  editor.  Walker killed Courtney in a shoot-out
          convenience and accessibility for  customers,  and guard the area from Indian attacks to the north                                                                              stemming from disagreements  concerning the
          increased traffic flow, and a chance to build anew.  and west. Bird's Fort was situated about twelve miles                                                                      elections  and  states' rights regarding  slavery.
                                                               southeast of Birdville and six miles north of Arlington
          Haltom City was originally incorporated  on August  on the north bank of the  Trinity where Calloway's                                                                          Haltom City's population  was reported at 107 in
          22, 1944.  On July 3, 1950 Haltom City and the  Lake is located.  In 1841, General Edward H. Tarrant                                                                            1930  and at 40 with seven businesses  in 1936,
          City of Oak Knoll consolidated under the name of  led a successful militia force against an Indian                                                                              just four years after the business district moved
          Haltom City.    Since 1950 the City has gradually  encampment at present-day Arlington in the Battle of                                                                         south to the new location. In 1950, the population
          expanded,  annexing  Garden of Eden, Meadow  Village Creek. Such action served notice to hostile                                                                                rose to  3,000  within an  incorporated area of
          Oaks, East Ridge  and, in 1955, unincorporated  tribes along  the frontier that a peace  treaty was                                                                             four-square  miles, and in 1960 to 23,000, the
          portions of Birdville. Haltom City elected Home  advisable. General Houston, Indian Commissioners                                                                               result of  continuing growth and annexations.
          Rule  Charter  with a city manager, mayor and  and several early settlers and trappers signed and
          council  form of government  on October 10, 1955.  witnessed a treaty at Bird's Fort on September 29,                      The First  Tarrant County Courthouse  was a
                                                               1843, with the chiefs of nine tribes. Soon after this, the            wood-frame structure  located  in the  vicinity of  the
          The City purchased  the complete  water systems  fort was abandoned. Settlements gravitated around                         present-day W.G. Thomas Coliseum. An eighty-acre
          (3,975 customer accounts) serving the entire City on  a few homesteads,water sources and trading posts.                    tract,  bounded  by Walker,  Carson and Broadway
          August 21, 1952 and has provided water and sewer  On June 6, 1849, Camp Worth was established by                           Streets, was donated by George Akers and William
          services since that time. Today the city is traversed  General Ripley A. Arnold and his troops nine miles                  Norris in August, 1851, for the erection  of county
          by  five  major  roads:  State  Highway  121-Airport  west of Birdville on a bluff overlooking the confluence              buildings. A plat of the new town drawn the same year
          Freeway; State Highway 183-Northeast  28th  of the West Fork and the Clear Fork of the Trinity River.                      depicts 12 city blocks, including a public square. Bonds
          Street-Midway Road; U. S. Highway 377-E Belknap  Named to honor Brigadier General William Jennings                         valued at $17,000 were issued to insure completion
                                                               Worth, the new outpost offered welcome protection to                  of the construction work by W. S. Suggs and others.
                                                               fledgling settlements around Birdville and Denton until               Bricks were collected and a foundation excavated.
                                                                                                                                     The  first  annual  jury  list  drawn  up  at  Birdville's
                                                                                                                                     temporary courthouse in 1855 by  District Clerk
                                                                                                                                     William Quayle showed 280 men qualified to serve.
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