Page 118 - CityofHaltomFY24Budget
P. 118

City Of Haltom City Annual Budget, Fy2024                  Special Revenue Funds                                           City Of Haltom City Annual Budget, Fy2024                 Special Revenue Funds

          LIBRARY DONATION FUND                                                                                                      POLICE FORFEITURE FUND

          This fund supplements resources available through the Library Department in the General Fund.  It                          Resources for this fund are provided through the sale of property confiscated from illegal drug
          is funded through voluntary contributions by citizens of the City. A Library Board, appointed by the                       activities.  The money is used by the Police Department to further reduce criminal activities in the
          City Council, makes budgetary recommendations for approval by the City Council.                                            City.  Some of the purchases made possible with these funds have been tactical uniforms and
          Some of the accomplishments made possible by this fund include purchase of the Library van,                                equipment, raid jackets (for detectives), a mobile data terminal and a negotiator’s telephone.
          furniture and computer equipment, sponsorship of the Summer Reading Program and other
          programming, the library app and library shelving.

                                                LIBRARY DONATION FUND                                                                                                     POLICE FORFEITURE FUND
                                                    BUDGET SUMMARY                                                                                                            BUDGET SUMMARY
                                                            Actual       Adopted      Projected      Adopted
            FUND  22                                       FY2022        FY2023        FY2023        FY2024                                                                           Actual       Adopted       Projected     Adopted
                                                                                                                                       FUND  23                                       FY2022        FY2023        FY2023        FY2024
            Fund Balance, Beginning                                  233,758               235,646               235,646               148,406
                                                                                                                                       Fund Balance, Beginning                                    65,432                 55,720                 55,720                 59,092
                Donations                                              15,160                 11,500                 11,500                 12,500  Revenues
                Interest income                                             457                   1,000                   5,502                   1,376  Awarded Property Revenue                   5,403                 18,000                 18,000                 16,000
                Forfeited Flex Benefits                                13,315                 19,000                 19,000                 15,000  Interest Income                                    195                      250                   1,372                      342
                Cash Short/Over                                              -                      600                      600                       -     Total Revenues                         5,598                 18,250                 19,372                 16,342
                Coffee Sales                                                  41                       -                       -                       -
                   Total Revenues                                      28,973                 32,100                 36,602                 28,876  Funds Available                               71,030                 73,970                 75,092                 75,434

            Funds Available                                          262,731               267,746               272,248               177,282  Expenditures
                                                                                                                                           Operations Expenditures                                15,310                 16,000                 16,000                 16,000
            Expenditures                                                                                                                      Total Expenditures                                  15,310                 16,000                 16,000                 16,000
                Operations Expenditures                                27,085               123,842               123,842                 50,000  Fund Balance, Ending                            55,720                 57,970                 59,092                 59,434
                   Total Expenditures                                  27,085               123,842               123,842                 50,000

            Fund Balance, Ending                                     235,646               143,904               148,406               127,282
                                                                                                                                                                 Police Forfeiture Fund Ending Fund Balance

                                        Library Donation Fund Ending Fund Balance

                   $250,000                                                                                                                  $50,000
                    $50,000                                                                                                                               Actual 2022        Adopted 2023        Projected 2023      Proposed 2024
                                 Actual 2022        Adopted 2023        Projected 2023      Proposed 2024
   113   114   115   116   117   118   119   120   121   122   123