Page 20 - Euless ORD 2360 Adopted FY 23-24 Budget
P. 20
Fund Balance Summary
Estimated FY2022- 23 and Budgeted FY2023- 24
General and Internal Service Funds
Risk Mgmt. &
Insurance & Equipment
General Workers
Benefits Replacement
Beginning Balance, FY23 23, 805, 905 5, 917, 105 2, 245, 184 17, 071, 070
per audit, FYE 2022)
FY23 Estimated Revenues 52, 177, 011 8, 437, 983 1, 518, 223 9, 806, 035
Total Available: 75, 982, 916 14, 355, 088 3, 763, 407 26, 877, 105
FY23 Estimated Expenses 49, 693, 014) 8, 363, 240) 1, 366, 731) 1, 045, 397)
Proposed Budget Adjustment 0 0 0 0
Capital / One - Time Expenses 7, 976, 066) 40, 000) 0 1, 838, 500)
Total Projected Expenses: 57, 669, 080) 8, 403, 240) 1, 366, 731) 2, 883, 897)
Estimated Ending Balance FY23 18, 313, 836 5, 951, 848 2, 396, 676 23, 993, 208
FY24 Budgeted Revenues 53, 295, 741 8, 745, 766 1, 508, 486 5, 890, 625
Total Available: 71, 609, 577 14, 697, 614 3, 905, 162 29, 883, 833
FY24 Budgeted Expenses 53, 252, 508) 8, 482, 607) 1, 448, 792) 3, 355, 442)
Capital Carryover 915, 268) 0 0 2, 414, 855)
Capital / One - Time Expenses 7, 484, 156) 44, 000) 0 1, 834, 236)
Total Projected Expenses: 61, 651, 932) 8, 526, 607) 1, 448, 792) 7, 604, 533)
Projected Ending Balance, FY24 9, 957, 645 6, 171, 007 2, 456, 370 22, 279, 300
Less: Designated Reserve 121. 182) 0 0 0
Adjusted Ending Balance 9, 836, 463 6, 171, 007 2, 456, 370 22, 279, 300
Recommended Reserve Levels per Fiscal Policy:
8. 753. 837 3. 243. 385 1. 000. 000 22. 279. 300
Available for Supplemental: 43, 233 263, 159 59, 694 2, 535, 183
Available for Capital / One -Time: 1, 039, 393 2, 664, 463 1, 396, 676 2, 535, 183)
Total Available 1, 082, 626 2, 927, 622 1, 456, 370 0
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