Page 11 - Euless ORD 2360 Adopted FY 23-24 Budget
P. 11

allocated to General CIP Fund Balance for future capital projects and to cover
                       increased costs due to inflationary pressures.
                        Debt service payments have been included in the General Obligation Debt
                       Service  Fund for the issuance    of Certificates  of Obligation  to fund renovation  of
                       the Police Facility.
                        Funding has been provided from the Car Rental Fund for the design and
                       remodel of the Animal Shelter.  The animal shelter will be expanded to include
                       the current Fire Station #  2 which is being relocated.
                        Depreciation funding for the majority of the City's vehicles, equipment, furnishing
                       and   fixtures,   and certain expected building needs including HVAC,       roof,  and
                       elevator replacements    is included  in the baseline budgets.
                       Several of the recommended reserve levels for funds operated by the City are
                       based on the number of days of operations.      This helps keep up with inflationary
                       trends.   However,   a few  funds   have  reserve  recommendations     at fixed  dollar
                       amounts.  This budget recommends       an increase to the Risk Fund reserve due to
                       inflationary pressures and to the Car Rental Fund reserve due to reliance on a
                       portion of these funds for annual government operations.
                       A detail of the recommended      capital and supplemental    programs is included in
                       this Proposed Budget,  as well as in Tab 2 along with a schedule of vehicle,
                       equipment,  furnishings  and fixture replacements.


                General Fund revenues are proposed at $       53, 295, 741  which  represents  an increase  of
               7%   from the previous year's budget.  The increase is primarily due to increased sales
               tax   collections  and  the   estimated   increase   in  property  tax  revenue    from   new
               development    and increased   values.

                Property valuations as of July 25',  including minimum value of property under protest
               and incomplete properties,  provided to the City by Tarrant Appraisal District totaled
                 6, 844, 091, 124 for FY2023- 24.  This  represents  an  increase  of $ 842, 526, 450 or 14%
               from the FY2022- 23 tax roll of $ 6, 001, 564, 674.   The tax rate proposed for FY2023-24 is
               45. 750 per $ 100 of assessed valuation,  which includes 36. 26970 for maintenance        and
               operations and 9. 48030 for debt service.

                FY2022-23 sales tax collections are projected to end the fiscal year up almost 7. 5%
               from budget due to better than expected     collections.   This is attributed  to both continued
               commercial development and inflationary increases.         Projections  for FY2023- 24 sales
               taxes assumes a 3%  increase     over FY2022- 23 original  budget.

               Other revenue sources vary in their projections.  While building permits have been
               strong,  this revenue source will continue to decline as the City reaches buildout.
               Therefore,  we continue to reduce our dependence      on this revenue.  Municipal  court fines
               and fees collections have increased recently and therefore our projection for next year
                has increased slightly.  Franchise fees are projected to increase slightly due to the
                inflationary impact on rates charged.   Jail revenue is expected   to increase  based on the
               contractual agreement with other government entities.        Interest  income  is expected  to

                                               201 N.  Ector Drive,  Euless,  Texas 76039- 3595
                                           817/ 685- 1400  Metro 817/ 267- 4403  Fax 817/ 685- 1416
                                                        www' culesstx. gov
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