Page 80 - BurlesonFY24AdoptedBudget
P. 80

5) Responsibility of Auditor to City Council. The auditor is accountable to the City
                              Council and will have access to direct communication with the City Council if
                              the City Staff is unresponsive to auditor recommendations or if the Auditor
                              considers such communication necessary to fulfill its legal and professional

                          6) Rotation  of  Auditor.  The  City  will  not  require  an  auditor  rotation,  but  will
                              circulate  requests  for  proposal  for  audit  services  at  least  every  five  years.
                              Should the City Council be dissatisfied with the auditor's performance, it may
                              request new proposals at any time. Year to year authorization to continue shall
                              be done by July 1st of each year.

                       C. FINANCIAL REPORTING.

                          1) External Reporting.

                              a. Scope. The Annual Comprehensive Financial Report shall be prepared in
                                 accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).

                              b. Timing. The Report shall be presented to the Council within 180 calendar
                                 days of the City’s fiscal year end. If City staffing limitations preclude such
                                 timely reporting, the Finance Director will inform the City Council of the
                                 delay and the reasons thereof.

                              c. Awards.  The  Report  shall  be  presented  annually  to  the  Government
                                 Finance Officer's Association (GFOA) for evaluation and consideration for
                                 the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting.

                   Internal  Reporting.  The  Finance  Department  will  prepare  internal  financial  reports,
                   sufficient  to  plan,  monitor,  and  control  the  City's  financial  affairs.  Internal  financial
                   reporting objectives are addressed throughout these policies. IV. OPERATING BUDGET.

                       A. PREPARATION.  Budgeting  is  an  essential  element  of  the  financial  planning,
                          control, and evaluation process of municipal government. The City's "operating
                          budget" is  the  City's  annual  financial  operating  plan.  The  scope of  the  budget
                          includes  all  funds  for  which  the  City  will  adopt  a  formal  budget,  including
                          Government Funds and Proprietary Funds.

                          1) Budgetary Process. The budget is prepared by the City Manager or his/her
                              designee with the cooperation of all City Departments. The budget should be
                              presented to the City Council between 60 and 90 days prior to fiscal year end,
                              and should be enacted by the City Council prior to fiscal year end in accordance
                              with the Charter.

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