Page 60 - BurlesonFY24AdoptedBudget
P. 60


    Continue  community  policing  and  risk  reduction  programs  that  create  strong

    partnerships with the public to promote safety throughout the community.

                Action                                                                       Target Date

                Continue to conduct emergency
                preparedness workshops for community
      3.5.1     members and enhance the CERT program              Fire (Emergency           On-going
                to assist with achieving whole community          Management)

                Obtain Texas Commission on Law
      3.5.2     Enforcement (TCOLE) Telecommunication             Public Safety             Third Quarter
                Agency credentials                                Communications            (April - June 2024)

                Continue to enhance Community Risk
                Reduction efforts (drowning prevention,           Fire (Community           Fourth Quarter
      3.5.3                                                       Risk Reduction
                CPR, Stop the Bleed, etc.), making our city                                 (July - September 2024)
                a safer place to live, work and visit             Division)

                Increase community crime prevention and
                engagement efforts with the introduction of                                 First Quarter
      3.5.4                                                       Police
                a civilian crime prevention and public                                      (October - December 2023)
                engagement specialist

                Add 4G camera installation at community
                parks that have seen an increase of               Parks and                 Third Quarter
                vandalism and other issues to ensure the          Recreation                (April- June 2024)
                safety of all park goers

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