Page 215 - BurlesonFY24AdoptedBudget
P. 215
Environmental Services Division
Won GCAA KTB $250,000 grant.
Update and increase participation in the Adopt-A-Spot program.
Update public pool inspection section of website.
Expand Urban Canopy Revitalization program with KBB
Code Compliance Division
Amend/update IPMC 2021 Version
Upgrade Code Compliance software
Implement PARTNER (Pro-active Residential Teams for Environmental Restoration) program to
two (2) per year.
Create educational material to distribute to public when attending special off-site program
such as PARNTER, LEAP, HOPE, GEO and City Fest.
Prior Year Accomplishments for FY 2022-2023
Animal Services Division
Completed the construction of the isolation building.
Implemented Paws for a Cause (Assisted Living Program).
678 Adoptions.
Implemented Proactive Patrol
Environmental Services Division
Won GCAA KTB $250,000 grant.
Increased participation in the Adopt-A-Spot program.
Update public pool inspection section of website.
Expanded Urban Canopy Revitalization (Tree Planting) in sparse neighborhoods with Keep
Burleson Beautiful
Successful partnership with KBB for the implemented new Monarch Festival
Code Compliance Division
Continued yearly Code Compliance cross- training with Police and Fire.
Improved equipment and replaced aging equipment for LEAP (Lawn Equipment Assistance
Successfully continued the yearly GEO targeted area spanning 238 homes, assessing 54
violations, and having 25 voluntarily comply without need of official notice.
Successfully completed one (1) Home Improvement Rebate Program
Successfully hired and trained new Code Compliance Officer to fill the recently vacant (retired)