Page 204 - BurlesonFY24AdoptedBudget
P. 204

Strategic Plan and Emphasis

                    SFA 1:   Operational Excellence
                       o  Foster a collaborative organization, both internally and externally, by maintaining an open
                          dialogue between all city departments along with local, regional, state, and federal partners.
                       o  Develop and implement a complete asset management program, meeting a high standarnd
                          of service, in the most cost-effective manner, by preserving assets for present and future
                    SFA 2:   Infrastructure
                       o  Improve efficiency of travel for citizens by focusing on key improvements within the SH174
                          Corridor and coordinating with Regional, State, and Federal transportation partners for
                          funding and support.

                       o  Enhance connectivity and improve mobility by expanding capacity of existing transportation
                          network, evaluating additional thoroughfare improvements, and improving roadway,
                          bicycle, and pedestrian infrastructure.
                       o  Develop and maintain utility services and facilities that meet the needs of the community
                          through strategic planning, long-term planning, and best practices.

                       o  Pursue regional transportation solutions that will assist our residents, visitors, and
                          businesses traveling to and from our city.
                       o  Develop and implement a Capital Improvement Program that improves the quality of life for
                          residents through the completion of projects identified in the city’s Master Plans.
               Future Goals in FY 2023-2024

                    Refinement of Processes in the Project Management software, e-Builder.
                    Implement an asset management program for all Public Works infrastructure.
                    Start the APWA Accreditation process.
                    Complete the Willow Creek and Village Creek update to the Master Drainage Study and submit a
                       Letter of Map Revisions to FEMA.
                    Complete the construction of Lakewood Boulevard to FM 1902 as part of the Capital
                       Improvement Plan to serve the City’s future Office Park and Chisholm Summit Development.
                    Perform needed rehab of sewer lift stations.
                    Assessment of infiltration and inflow of the sewer system.
                    Accomplish water meter changeout goal for fiscal year.
                    Initiate all Capital projects from fiscal year 2023.
                    Transitions Streets to Customer Service Priority.

               Prior Year Accomplishments for FY 2022-2023

                    Started a safety and training division for all employees in Public Works.
                    Integrated Fleet into City’s Work Order software.
                    Implemented a pavement management program.
                    Met 100% of civil design review mandated deadlines.
                    Completed a rate model analysis for water and wastewater.

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