Page 204 - BurlesonFY24AdoptedBudget
P. 204
Strategic Plan and Emphasis
SFA 1: Operational Excellence
o Foster a collaborative organization, both internally and externally, by maintaining an open
dialogue between all city departments along with local, regional, state, and federal partners.
o Develop and implement a complete asset management program, meeting a high standarnd
of service, in the most cost-effective manner, by preserving assets for present and future
SFA 2: Infrastructure
o Improve efficiency of travel for citizens by focusing on key improvements within the SH174
Corridor and coordinating with Regional, State, and Federal transportation partners for
funding and support.
o Enhance connectivity and improve mobility by expanding capacity of existing transportation
network, evaluating additional thoroughfare improvements, and improving roadway,
bicycle, and pedestrian infrastructure.
o Develop and maintain utility services and facilities that meet the needs of the community
through strategic planning, long-term planning, and best practices.
o Pursue regional transportation solutions that will assist our residents, visitors, and
businesses traveling to and from our city.
o Develop and implement a Capital Improvement Program that improves the quality of life for
residents through the completion of projects identified in the city’s Master Plans.
Future Goals in FY 2023-2024
Refinement of Processes in the Project Management software, e-Builder.
Implement an asset management program for all Public Works infrastructure.
Start the APWA Accreditation process.
Complete the Willow Creek and Village Creek update to the Master Drainage Study and submit a
Letter of Map Revisions to FEMA.
Complete the construction of Lakewood Boulevard to FM 1902 as part of the Capital
Improvement Plan to serve the City’s future Office Park and Chisholm Summit Development.
Perform needed rehab of sewer lift stations.
Assessment of infiltration and inflow of the sewer system.
Accomplish water meter changeout goal for fiscal year.
Initiate all Capital projects from fiscal year 2023.
Transitions Streets to Customer Service Priority.
Prior Year Accomplishments for FY 2022-2023
Started a safety and training division for all employees in Public Works.
Integrated Fleet into City’s Work Order software.
Implemented a pavement management program.
Met 100% of civil design review mandated deadlines.
Completed a rate model analysis for water and wastewater.