Page 101 - BurlesonFY24AdoptedBudget
P. 101


               SECTION 3.01   DISCLOSURE OFFICER.

               The Issuer shall appoint a Disclosure Officer who shall be responsible for implementing this Policy. The Disclosure Officer will work
               with other employees and officials of the Issuer to assist in implementing this Policy. The Disclosure Officer will consult with bond
               counsel, legal counsel to the Issuer (including designated disclosure counsel, if any), accountants, municipal advisors, financial
               advisors and other outside consultants to the extent necessary to carry out the purpose of this Policy. The Disclosure Officer will
               report  to  the  Issuer's  governing  body  as  provided  in  Section  6.01  herein,  regarding  implementation  of  this  Policy  and  any
               recommended changes or amendments to this Policy.


                   (a)  General  Duties.  The  Disclosure  Officer  shall  be  primarily  responsible  for  ensuring  and  determining  the  Issuer's
                       compliance with this Policy and federal and state securities laws and regulations applicable to the Issuer, including
                       specifically Rule 15c2-12, and including identifying and remedying any non-compliance with this Policy and such laws
                       and regulations.

                   (b) Review of Relevant Documents. The Disclosure Officer will review the following documents, obligations, and disclosure
                       and reporting requirements of the Issuer in connection with the issuance of Municipal Securities to comply with Article IV
                       and V of this Policy and in the ordinary course of business of the Issuer:

                        i.  Offering Documents;
                       ii.  Audited and unaudited financial statements, including notes to such statements;

                       iii.  Changes to accounting standards promulgated by GASB and other applicable accounting standards and rules;
                       iv.  Adopted annual budgets and amendments thereto;
                       v.   Continuing Disclosure Undertakings; and
                       vi.  Other relevant documents that reflect the Issuer's financial position and operating data.
               The Disclosure Officer shall take reasonable steps to ensure that all Offering Documents are timely provided to the Issuer's
               governing body to ensure meaningful review and approval thereof.  In addition, the Disclosure Officer shall take reasonable steps
               to ensure that for purposes of securities law compliance the Issuer's governing body is generally aware of the other documents
               listed above and of the significance of those documents to the Issuer's disclosure obligations.

                   (c) Solicitation of Relevant Information. In the performance of its duties under this Policy, the Disclosure Officer shall be
                       responsible for soliciting any relevant information from other employees, officials or departments within the internal
                       organization  of  the  Issuer,  including  public  statements  made  by  officials  of  the  Issuer  that  the  Disclosure  Officer
                       reasonably believes will reach investors or trading markets generally. The Disclosure Officer is additionally responsible
                       for obtaining any documentation prepared by an outside source that may be necessary to assist the Disclosure Officer
                       in carrying out this Policy. The Disclosure Officer shall undertake a thorough review of the form and content of each of
                       the Issuer's annual filings, and any Event Notice filings, as required pursuant to Article IV and V hereof.

                   (d) Public Statements Regarding Financial Information.  Whenever an officer or employee of the Issuer makes statements
                       or releases information relating to its finances and other operations of the Issuer to the public that is reasonably expected
                       to reach investors and the trading markets (including, without limitation, all Event Notices, statements in a comprehensive
                       annual  financial  report,  and  other  financial  reports  and  statements  of  the  Issuer),  the  Disclosure  Officer  shall  be
                       responsible for ensuring that such statements and Material information are complete, true, and accurate in all material
                       aspects and available to all investors.   The Disclosure Officer will work with other officers of the Issuer to ensure that all
                       public statements and information released by the Issuer are accurate and are not misleading in all Material aspects.

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