Page 12 - Report
P. 12

Ad Valorem Taxes

        Ad Valorem taxes, or taxes based on property values, are based on the cer�fied property values provided by the Tarrant
        County Appraisal District. The Tax Assessor for Tarrant County calculates the De Minimis (applicable to ci�es with a
        popula�on less than 30,000), No New Revenue, and Voter Approval rates.

            •   De Minimis Rate: Rate that is necessary for ci�es to raise $500,000 with current year values and pay for debt
            •   No New Revenue Rate: The rate that provides the same amount of revenue on the same proper�es from the
                cer�fied roll from the previous year, less any new property annexed or new improvements.
            •   Voter Approval Rate: Rate that if adopted by the taxing en�ty, automa�cally triggers an elec�on on the rate.

        The total tax rate comprised of two parts: the maintenance and opera�ons rate (M&O) and the debt rate (Interest and
        For the City, the 2023 rates are:

            •  Total Tax Rate: $.681745 per $100 of valua�on
                   o   Maintenance & Opera�ons (M&O) rate: $.623530 per $100 of valua�on
                   o   Debt Service (Interest & Sinking) Rate: $.056470 per $100 of valua�on.
        These rates change each year depending on the cer�fied values and the rate the Council adopts.

        To summarize, the dra� budget only contains increases necessary for basic opera�ons and to maintain assets. There are
        no raises for staff, no capital purchased or projects aside from minor street repairs and a sewer line repair under the
        police building. With the adopted tax rate, this budget has a surplus of $325,000.

                                                             9/18                          FY 2024 Adopted Budget
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