Page 3 - WestworthVillageFY23AdoptedBudget
P. 3

3                                                                                               Filed
                                                                                                  Tarrant County Clerk
                                                                                                    2:12 pm, Nov 05 2024
                                                                                                  Mary Louise Nicholson
                                   Ad Valorem Tax Rate legal notice                             by   County Clerk
             This budget is based on no change to the ad valorem      tax rate of $0.475 per $100 of valuation.
             More revenue will be raised due to new properties coming onto the tax rolls and increased
             valuation from redeveloped properties.

             This budget will raise more total property taxes than last year's

             budget by $289,778, and of that amount $39,310 is tax revenue

             raised from new property added to the tax roll this year.

                a)  the property tax rate; $0.475 (same as prior year)
                b)  the no-new-revenue tax rate; $0.384272
                c)  the no-new-revenue maintenance and operations tax rate; $ 0.197831
                d)  the voter-approval tax rate; and $0.768909
                e)  the debt rate; and $0.229030
                f)  fiscal year debt service amount of $892,635

             On September 20  council members voted as follows on the adoption of this budget:
                                                        For           Against
                                  Phillip Poole         _X_           ____
                                  Michael Dingman       _X_           ____
                                  Brian Libbey          _X_           ____
                                  Robert Fitzgerald     _X_           ____
                                  Halden Griffith       _X_           ____

             The city offers ad valorem  tax exemptions and encourages all citizens to use them.

                                            Property Tax Exemptions include:
                                                General Homestead – 20%
                                                  Over age 65 - $50,000
                                                 Disable Person - $30,000
                                              Military Veteran – up to $12,000

                          If you need assistance or have questions about your tax bill, contact:

                        Tarrant Appraisal District                Tarrant County Tax Assessor/Collector
                                 Jeff Law                                      Wendy Burgess
                      2500 Handley-Ederville Road                        100 E. Weatherford Street
                       Fort Worth, TX 76118-6909                            Fort Worth, TX 76196
                              817-284-0024                                      817-884-1100

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