Page 9 - Watauga FY22-23 Budget
P. 9


               This is the budget document for the City of Watauga, Texas for the fiscal year beginning
               October 1, 2022, and ending September 30, 2023. The Budget for the City of Watauga is
               intended to serve four purposes:

               This document should serve as a policy document, a financial plan, and an operations
               guide to our City, as well as a communication device to our readers. We designed this
               document to be a reference for a wide variety of users. As approved by the City Council
               for the fiscal year, City Management may use this document as a guide for operations.
               The City Council may use this document as a communication medium to staff and citizens
               to describe objectives, goals, and mission of the City. City staff may use this document to
               inform  City  Council  and  citizens  of  accomplishments  and  services.  Current  and
               prospective citizens and businesses may use this document to learn about the City and its
               plans for the future.

               1.    The Budget as a Policy Document

                     As a policy document, the budget indicates what services the City will provide during
                     the  twelve-month  period  beginning  October  1,  2022.  The  Budget  Message
                     summarizes  the  challenges  facing  the  City  and  the  strategies  incorporated  in  the
                     budget to manage and control the financial impacts created by the challenges.

               2.    The Budget as an Operations Guide

                     As  an operations  guide,  the  budget  indicates  how  services  will  be  delivered to  the
                     community.  The  Personnel  Positions  Schedule  outlines  the  number  of  proposed
                     authorized full-time and part-time employees. Specific budgetary information related
                     to each department is provided for each Fund, as appropriate.

               3.    The Budget as a Financial Plan

                     As a financial plan, the budget outlines how much City services will cost and how
                     they  will  be  funded.  The  Introductory  Section  provides  a  Budget  Message,  an
                     overview  of  the  budget,  including  information  about  the  City,  financial  structure,
                     major  revenue  and  expenditure  categories  for  each  Fund,  financial  policies,  and
                     Budget Calendar.

                     The next sections of this document include the detailed financial information of the
                     City  of  Watauga  budget.  These  sections  are  broken  down  by  fund  type.  The  City
                     uses the following funds: General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, Proprietary Funds,
                     Capital  Project  Funds,  and,  finally,  Debt  Service  Funds.  Each  fund  section  will
                     provide financial summaries, general information, and management assumptions in
                     the  budget  preparation.  A  few  of  the  major  operating  funds  are  more  detailed  in
                     showing objectives, goals, staffing, organizational structures, and accomplishments
                     by  division.  Each  Department  has  identified  goals  which  are  included  in  the
                     accomplishments  in  their  specific  division,  and  relate  back  to  the  City’s  Goals
                     detailed  in  the  Budget  Overview  section.  The  Capital  Project  Funds  detail  current
                     and  future  projects.  The  Debt  Service  Fund  section  also  provides  individual  debt
                     service reimbursement schedules.
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