Page 358 - Watauga FY22-23 Budget
P. 358

Section 26.05(b) of Property Tax Code
                     Worksheet for Determination of Steps Required for Adoption of Tax Rate
                                                         City of Watauga

     M&O Tax Increase in Current Year

     1. Last year's taxable value, adjusted for court-ordered reductions. Enter Line 8 of            $1,474,668,804
     the No-New-Revenue Tax Rate Worksheet.
     2. Last year's M&O tax rate.                                                                   $0.395445/$100
     Enter Line 28 of the Voter-Approval Tax Rate Worksheet.

     3. M&O taxes refunded for years preceding tax year 2021.                                                $54,197
     Enter Line 31A of the Voter-Approval Tax Rate Worksheet.
     4. TIF Adjustment.
     Enter Line 31B of the Voter-Approval Tax Rate Worksheet.                                                     $0

     5. Last year's M&O tax levy. Multiply line 1 times line 2 and                                        $5,885,701
     divide by 100. To the result, add line 3 and subtract line 4.
     6. This year's total taxable value. Enter line 21 of the
     No-New-Revenue Tax Rate Worksheet.                                                              $1,624,845,306

     7. This year's proposed M&O tax rate. Enter the proposed M&O tax rate approved                 $0.375187/$100
     by the Governing Body.

     8. This year's M&O tax levy. Multiply line 6 times                                                   $6,096,208
     line 7 and divide by 100.
     9. M&O Tax Increase (Decrease).                                                                       $210,507
     Subtract line 5 from line 8.

     Comparison of Total Tax Rates
     10. No-New-Revenue Total Tax Rate.                                                             $0.530859/$100

     11. This year's proposed total tax rate.                                                       $0.570200/$100
     12. This year's rate minus No-New-Revenue rate. Subtract line 10 from line 11.                       $0.039341

     13. Percentage change in total tax rate. Divide Line 12 by line 10.                                       7.41%

     Comparison of M&O Tax Rates
     14. No-New-Revenue M&O Tax Rate. Enter line 39 of the Voter-Approval Tax Rate                  $0.362500/$100
     15. This year's proposed M&O tax rate.                                                         $0.375187/$100

     16. This year's rate minus No-New-Revenue rate. Subtract line 14 from line 15.                       $0.012687
     17. Percentage change in M&O tax rate. Divide line 16 by line 14.                                         3.50%

     Raised M&O Taxes on a $100,000 Home
     18. This year's taxable value on a $100,000 home.                                                     $100,000
     19. Last year's M&O tax rate.                                                                  $0.395445/$100

     20. This year's proposed M&O tax rate.                                                         $0.375187/$100

     21. This year's raised M&O taxes.                                                                       $-20.26
     Subtract line 19 from line 20 and multiply result by line 18.
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