Page 32 - Watauga FY22-23 Budget
P. 32


               Basis of Accounting and Budgeting

               Governmental funds follow the modified accrual basis of accounting. Under the modified
               accrual basis of accounting, revenues are recognized in the accounting period in which
               they become both measurable and available to finance expenditures of the fiscal period.
               "Measurable" means the amount of the transaction can be determined and "available"
               means collectible within the current period or soon enough thereafter to be used to pay
               liabilities of the current period. The obligations of the city (e.g., outstanding purchase
               orders) are budgeted as expenses during the fiscal year they are issued.

               Proprietary funds use the accrual basis of accounting. Under this method, revenues are
               recorded  when  earned  (for  example,  drainage  utility  fees  are  recognized  as  revenue
               when bills are produced) and expenses are recorded when a commitment is made (e.g.,
               through a purchase order).

               The  Annual  Comprehensive  Financial  Report  (ACFR)  shows  the  status  of  the  City's
               finances on the basis of "generally accepted accounting principles" (GAAP). The City
               prepares  its  budget  on  the  GAAP  basis  except  for  the  treatment  of  depreciation
               expense  (which  is  not  shown  in  the  budget,  although  the  full  purchase  price  of
               equipment is shown as a capital outlay). The modified accrual basis of accounting is
               used  for  governmental  fund  budgets  and  the  accrual  basis  of  accounting  is  used  for
               proprietary fund budgets.

               Balanced Budget

               It  is  the  policy  of  the  City  to  prepare  a  balanced  budget.  A  balanced  budget  is  one
               where expenses are less than or equal to estimated revenues. A balanced budget may
               also include situations where the Council approves the use of reserves or fund balance
               to offset revenue shortfalls. If, during the year, the revenues received or expected to be
               received  are  less  than  estimated,  the  City  Manager  will  recommend  a  revised  or
               amended expense appropriation for Council approval that will again balance the budget.

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