Page 17 - Watauga FY22-23 Budget
P. 17
❖ 5-year Capital Improvement Plan is a long-range financial planning document
that revolves around several major street projects, water/sewer system
infrastructure projects as well as significant improvements to our storm water
drainage system, and various equipment and vehicles outlined in the Capital
Outlay Program.
❖ The Parks Master Plan identifies various parks improvement projects throughout
the City of Watauga. Many of these projects are incorporated into the 5-year
Capital Improvement Plan with funding sources identified.
❖ A Personnel Improvement Plan identifies needed personnel positions in order to
provide services and programs to our Citizens.
The FY2022-2023 Budget totals $61,722,366 which includes $25,719,770 in capital
projects and equipment. The focus this year is to continue and improve on our program
of services while addressing inflationary impacts and future sustainability.
The City’s tradition of sound fiscal management has served the City well, especially
through the global pandemic. Our conservative budgeting and commitment to fiscal
responsibility has resulted in the City’s strong financial position. We remain committed
to having a City budget that spends within its means while we together serve, enhance,
and transform our community. We are constantly looking for operational efficiencies to
reduce costs within our spending plan. We recognize the need to balance service
demands to maintain a sustainable operational and financial position that adheres to our
strategic priorities and protects the City’s fiscal health, while preserving those things that
make Watauga “A Great Place to Live”.
I would like to thank City Council for their strong leadership and willingness to make very
complex and sometimes difficult decisions which will have lasting positive impacts on our
City. I look forward to working with the Council throughout the budget adoption process.
In addition, I wish to thank the dedicated team of City employees who contributed their
time and efforts in the development of this document.
Respectfully Submitted,
Joshua Jones
City Manager