Page 6 - Southlake FY23 Budget
P. 6


                                                                                     The mission of The  CiTy
                                                                                    of souThlake is To provide
                                                                                     muniCipal serviCes ThaT
                                                                                   supporT The highesT qualiTy
                                                                                   of life for our residenTs, a
                                                                                     supporTive environmenT
                                                                                 for loCal businesses, and unique
                                                                                   and speCial experienCes for

                                                                                        OUR VISION

                                                                                     souThlake is a vibranT,
                                                                                  aTTraCTive, safe, healThy and
                                                                                    fisCally sound CommuniTy
                                                                                       ThaT epiTomizes boTh
                                                                                   eConomiC and environmenTal
                                                                                     susTainabiliTy. We offer
                                                                                   qualiTy neighborhoods and a
                                                                                   high sTandard of living, WiTh
                                                                                   abundanT opporTuniTies for
                                                                                   learning, shopping, Working,
                                                                                   reCreaTion and enjoymenT of
                                                                                          open spaCes.

                                                                             BUDGET BOOK   |  FY 2023 City of Southlake  5
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